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Biographical Information

Rohit Ghai

President of EMC's Enterprise Content Division

Rohit Ghai is President of EMC's Enterprise Content Division. Ghai is responsible for all aspects of the ECD business including sales and services, channel strategy, product development, marketing, finance, support, and customer success. He is the driving force behind ECD's strategic vision helping customers digitally transform and harness the untapped value of their business content. Ghai has 20+ years of experience in IT in both big company and startup settings.

You can follow Rohit on Twitter @Rohit_Ghai.


Articles by Rohit Ghai

Digital Disruption Is Here. Are You Ready to Transform?

While we've been busy conversing with our virtual assistants, streaming music,and depositing checks from our mobile devices, we probably didn't even notice that everything changed. These commonplace things that we take for granted—cars reminding us that service is due and offering to set up an appointment, our phones helping us remember where we parked our car and watches nagging us to complete our daily activity goals—are not only emblematic of a digital disruption: they are evidence that it has already happened…

Advancing the Art and Science of Enterprise Content Management