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Biographical Information

Howard Schwartz, Ph.D

Howard Schwartz, Ph.D., is senior vice president of content technologies for SDL’s Structured Content Technologies division and has been responsible for the go-to-market strategy for the division. He has also led SDL in developing the company’s DITA and XML business strategies. Schwartz has 15 years of experience advising companies on the implementation of technology and best practices to streamline various parts of the global content lifecycle. Before leading SDL’s XML strategies he was VP of business consulting for SDL’s language technology organization. Schwartz joined SDL through the acquisition of Trados, where he played various executive roles including VP of business consulting and marketing.

Articles by Howard Schwartz, Ph.D

Focus On SDL
Customer Engagement Strategies
A Paradigm Shift for Technical Documentation

Why a CCM is Not a CMS
Or Why You Shouldn't Confuse a Whale with a Fish

People are beginning to realize it is a mistake to call some systems a "CMS" (content management system), when they are really referring to a "CCM" (component content management) system. The difference is critically important. By making this category mistake and confusing a CCM for a CMS, some organizations are failing to convince their management that they need a specialized system called a CCM. Their management or IT organizations think they already have one, when in fact they do not. Just as a source control system (which does versioning) is not a CMS and just as a Web content management (WCM) system is a specialized type of CMS, so a CCM is a unique specialized...