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Biographical Information

Krista Curtiss

Marketing Director, TOWER Software

Krista Curtiss has more than 20 years of experience developing strategic business plans, marketing communication programs and product branding that contributes to customer satisfaction. Prior to joining TOWER Software as the North America marketing director in May 2005, Krista spent six years as a marketing consultant providing measurable marketing results for her clients to take their business to the next level.

Articles by Krista Curtiss

E-Discovery: Are You Ready?

Compliance for e-discovery goes beyond technology. It encompasses legal, constitutional, political, security and personal privacy issues. The amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure...

Records Management: Whose Job Is It Anyway?

As the old saying goes: garbage in, garbage out. So how do you make sure what goes into your records management system is accurate, secure and retrievable? Has it been placed into the right container where it can be found again when needed or the right retention schedule applied when it needs to be disposed of? The short answer: everyone is accountable.