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Verity unveils Ultraseek 5.1

Claiming it has been designed specifically for ease of use and minimal administrative requirements, Verity's downloadable Ultraseek 5.1 incorporates several new capabilities and enhancements, including:

Layout Manager, a graphical user interface said to reduce the administrative effort needed to design and deploy multiple search interfaces and results pages. Verity says this feature gives administrators the ability to easily control all aspects of look and feel as well as search options, including results display, default collections, categories, passage-based summaries and spell suggest. Further, says the company, Layout Manager allows delegation of this activity to business-line managers to permit better match of specific departmental requirements.

Reporting Manager, which offers administrators insight into users' search behaviors and changes in search patterns to permit improvement of search relevance and usability.

Other new features include:

  • Title Replacement--intelligent creation of accurate search result titles for documents that either have no title, or a template title not relevant to the content of the document;
  • Results by Location--clustering or grouping of search results by site, directory, folder or other logical arrangement to enable users to easily navigate through Web sites and;
  • In-Document Term Highlighting--automatic highlighting of query terms in documents in multiple file formats.

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