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Monday, November 2, 2015

Morning Preconference Workshops
W1: KM 101
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Stan Garfield, Author of six KM books & Founder, SIKM Leaders Community

Are you new to knowledge management? Want to learn about all the possibilities for making your organization smarter, more collaborative, innovative, and productive? Join our expert knowledge manager to gain insights and ideas for building a robust KM program in your organization-even if it is called by another name! This workshop highlights a range of potential enterprise KM activities being used in real organizations and shares how these activities are impacting the bottom line. It shows real KM practices and discusses various tools and techniques to give those new to KM a vision of what is possible in the enterprise.

W2: Working Out Loud: Leading the Collective Intelligently
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Euan Semple, Director, Conference Chair, & Author, Euan Semple Ltd

More people than ever are active on social platforms, either at work or at home. There is an increasing maturity in their use as more people use the tools to work things out and increase their understanding of things that matter. We see opinion formers, from politicians to celebrities, taking to social platforms, cutting out the media middlemen, and talking directly to followers. With the advent of enterprise social platforms we are likely to see this trend moving inside our organizations, and this will affect communications professionals as well as managers. These platforms thrive on thoughtful exchange in a practice becoming known as "working out loud." Sharing ideas and perspectives in new ways allows us to work things out together or cast our nets wider for support. Increasingly, personal profile and influence depends on getting good at this. As we look at new flexible and agile digital workplaces and workspaces, as well as different generational working styles, working out loud will have an organizational impact. Semple explores the opportunities and challenges of working out loud and offers practical advice for how to get better at it.

W3: Applying ‘Agile’ in Developing KM Strategies & Implementing Frameworks
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Bill Kaplan, Founder, Working Knowledge CSP National Contract Management Association Board of Directors
Kent A Greenes, Founder & Principal Consultant, Greenes Consulting The Conference Board

"Agile" development methods, which are based on solid KM fundamentals, can be effectively applied to the development of KM strategies and implementing frameworks. This workshop, by two long-time KM practitioners, explains a practical, agile-based methodology for developing "fit for purpose" and context-relevant KM strategies and implementing frameworks. Strategies are based upon "Fast Learning" fundamentals that need to be taught to the organization for long-term KM success and are part of the foundation for agile. Workshop leaders provide practical tips and techniques for teaching these fundamentals to your organization. They also discuss how to incorporate a KM pilot project up front as a primary source of insight for strategy development.

W4: Enabling a Sophisticated Search User Experience
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Duane Degler, Principal Consultant–IA, Design for Context
Eric Pugh, CEO, OpenSource Connections

Our speakers have a deep experience in enterprise search, including commercial public search, large-scale intranet search, and intensive knowledge-centered government search applications. Their interactive workshop takes participants on a journey through the evolving landscape of search, with a particular focus on the considerations for designing and evaluating the user experience. The journey starts with understanding the types of mental models that users form around their information-seeking experience. It then search sites and tools that illustrate the varieties of experiences users have today. User experiences are "deconstructed" with the different sites in order to understand how the tools work and what aspects affect user experience-both positively and negatively. The workshop looks at current trends in search as well as broadly federated information-seeking, mobile "just in time" and high-context seeking, proactive search, mental models and their influence on requirements, exploring an array of search sites, behaviors of different search technologies, relevance ranking and modeling, design options and opportunities for search interfaces, and more. Designing for experienced knowledge workers and the intelligent questions they ask must be at the forefront of effective search applications to help make sense of multiple search capabilities: data search, semantic search, mobile search, federated search, and embedded search within websites and applications. This workshop enables you to think through the end-to-end needs for enterprise search, interactively explore search examples and discuss their implications, and look at how to make decisions about the capabilities you need.

W5: Creating Effective Search Solutions With SharePoint 2016
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Jeff Fried, Director, Platform Strategy & Innovation, InterSystems

This workshop focuses on the search capabilities of SharePoint 2016 and how to match them to a variety of search needs and strategies. Attendees get deep-dive information about the architecture, search capabilities, and tools-including content capture and enrichment, ranking models and relevancy, query rules, result templates, and management console. Jeff Fried shares effective techniques in the context of case studies and practical tips. Much of this material is useful to those using SharePoint 2013 search, but this workshop has a special focus on the new capabilities in SharePoint 2016, including next-gen hybrid search. Learn what's possible, what's easy, and what to watch out for.

W6: Managing Knowledge Work: Practical Collaboration Process
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Gordon Vala-Webb, CEO, Vala-Webb Consulting Inc.

Knowledge work is basically invisible-which makes it really hard to manage it effectively. What if there was a way for a team-or even an entire organization-to make their knowledge work visible? That way people could see who was working on what, where it was at, what needed to happen next, and how to improve the process the next time? And what if that approach was easy to adopt and cost little to implement? You can make the invisible manageable to drive efficiency and effectiveness. Led by a 15-year KM veteran and thought-leader, this interactive workshop helps you learn about "kanban" and how knowledge-intensive organizations can make their work visible and take their performance to the next level.

W7: Communities of Practice: Harnessing Informal Networks
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Richard McDermott, President, McDermott Consulting Henley Business School

During the last 3 decades many organizations have built communities of practice. Communities of practice play many roles: hosting forums for members to draw on the knowledge of more senior staff, collectively developing technical procedures, managing mentoring relationships, sponsoring forums for collectively thinking through particularly difficult technical issues, and building relationships between their members. But many voluntary communities fall apart within a year as members' workloads become heavy for them to participate in community forums and activities. Based on the largest quantitative study of the worth of community value, this workshop describes what organizations can do to make their communities of practice valuable for both their members and the organization.

W8: Optimizing Knowledge Flows: Using Lenses to See Needs in Systems of Engagement
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Thomas Vander Wal, Sr. Consultant

Organizations have been shifting how work is done, moving from working in documents and email to collaboration/social/systems of engagement platforms that are part of their digital transformation. This shift not only improves efficiency in workflows but improves knowledge capture for reuse. Organizations have many options and variations, and making sense of them without a guide is challenging. This workshop provides a tool, the foundational social lenses, to see the problems and issues better in order to understand an organization's needs as well as to see the paths forward far more clearly. Those who have gone through this workshop have stated they wish they had this understanding and ability to see their needs and way forward many years back. Vendors have found value in these lenses to better understand gaps and areas that could use improvement with clarity to better design and develop solutions. Join this workshop and grab a wonderful tool to find the way forward and improve knowledge flows.

W9: Delivering Successful Social Projects
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
James Robertson, Founder, Step Two Author, Designing Intranets: Creating Sites That Work

Social and collaboration tools connect people, and enable richer sharing of knowledge and experience. In the last few years, many organizations have purchased and deployed these tools. Success, however, has been patchy. While there are remarkable cases that demonstrate the full power of social and collaboration tools, many organizations have struggled to gain adoption and use. Using the new "Pathway to social" methodology, workshop participants conduct a hands-on planning session, exploring different ways of approaching these projects in an agile way. By the end of this practical workshop, participants have the methodology for use in their organization, along with inspiration and ideas on how to deliver success.

W10: Knowledge Management Maturity Modeling & Assessment
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dr. Denise A.D. Bedford, Faculty, Communication Culture and Technology, Georgetown University; & Author, Organizational Intelligence & Knowledge Analytics York University, Coventry University
Margaret Camp, VP, Development, Wolters Kluwer Financial Services

This workshop provides attendees with a step-by-step methodology for defining a KM maturity model for their organization. Presented by a team of corporate practitioners, academic faculty, and students who have successfully implemented the methodology in organizations, it is grounded in good practices drawn from the literature, adapted and fine-tuned to produce value for different kinds of organizations, and designed for long-term use. The agenda covers distinctions and clarifications of knowledge audits and maturity assessments; aligning maturity models with knowledge strategies; aligning knowledge strategies with business capabilities; establishing enterprise-level maturity models; identifying initiatives to achieve new maturity levels; assessing initiatives; and gauging the impact on enterprise targets. The workshop comes with a workbook for participants.

Afternoon Preconference Workshops
W11: Creating a KM Strategy
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

This workshop, by a KM pioneer and popular KMWorld speaker, focuses on how to build a successful KM strategy and revitalize knowledge sharing within your organization. Dave Snowden, our engaging workshop leader, takes participants through a step-by-step approach to rethinking the role of the KM function within an organization. It includes creating a decision/information flow map to understand the natural flows of knowledge; defining micro-projects that directly link to the decision support needs of senior executives; mapping the current flow paths for knowledge within the organization; and finding natural ways to manage the knowledge of the aging workforce as well as the IT-enabled apprenticeship. Using real-world examples, Snowden shares winning strategies and insights to rejuvenate your knowledge-sharing practices.

W12: Accelerating Organizational Change for KM Adoption
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Steve Barth, Assistant Professor/Chair, Business & Entrepreneurship, Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Engineering and the Business of Innovation, University of Southern California Reflected Knowledge Consulting
Jowilla C Rabor, Sr. Manager, Organization Effectiveness, Hitachi Consulting

"If you build it, they will come" is a poor mantra for knowledge management programs. KM matters only if knowledge is shared in ways that build organizational value. Too many KM initiatives struggle because they focus on technical implementation but neglect the realities of organizational behaviors and beliefs. This is true of almost any enterprise program, such as ERP, but KM is especially susceptible because knowledge sharing can only be voluntary. In this practical, interactive workshop, see why proactive "change management" makes such a difference in user adoption and ROI; learn the basic components of any successful change management program; practice how to assess and address challenges and opportunities in your organization; and engage in a forward-looking discussion about the latest thinking in organizational change.

W13: Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Implementing KM
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dr Nick Milton, Director & Founder, Knoco Ltd member of the committe preparing the ISO KM standard
Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant, Straits Knowledge Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing

KM implementations are often complex, with many stakeholders and dependencies. They can be beset by challenges and pitfalls at any stage of the implementation cycle. This workshop, led by two deeply experienced KM practitioners, gives you an opportunity to share with peers the challenges you have encountered with implementations. It introduces the 12 most common pitfalls KM practitioners encounter, as well as the root causes. Work through effective strategies to avoid, mitigate or recover from these pitfalls when they occur. This highly interactive workshop encourages you to leverage and learn from your own experience as well as from the experiences of others. The material for the workshop comes from the forthcoming book The Knowledge Managers Handbook by Milton and Lambe, to be published in 2016.

W14: Critical Success Factors for KM Initiatives
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
V. Mary Abraham, Co-Founder, Above and Beyond KM
Thomas Vander Wal, Sr. Consultant

We have about 100 years of looking at social at scale through the eyes of social science. How people interact at various scales in cities and towns in the world around us has strong correlation to how people interact with each other in digital environments. Sociology, cultural anthropology, cultural psychology, communication, urban planning, and economics are just some of the social sciences that provide insight and understanding. This workshop focuses on key insights from these disciplines and how these insights can help attendees improve their social platforms so that those platforms work the way humans work, not how technology dictates. Specifically, attendees analyze areas in which common KM practices either ignore or poorly implement established scientific research regarding human behavior; see how this research could be used to create more productive social platforms; understand how to look at the environment to understand why social interactions are not going as expected; and learn how the social sciences could be used to improve engagement and knowledge sharing within the organization.

W15: Inspiration, Insights, & Innovation Through Cognitive Computing
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Susan E. Feldman, President, Synthexis Cognitive Computing Consortium
Swami Chandrasekaran, Executive CTO Architect, Watson, IBM
Mark Myers, Product and Solution Marketing Leader, IBM Watson Explorer

Imagine if you could understand the personality characteristics of your customers at a deeper level. Imagine if you could find new, related pathways in your data to make discoveries in a fraction of the time you could before. Imagine a world where information presented itself at the point of possibility; decisions were made with all available evidence; and the expertise of your entire organization was available on demand. This is the power of what can be achieved with cognitive computing. This introduction to cognitive computing by those leading the way gives attendees an overview of cognitive computing. It defines the term, describes cognitive systems, and examines how they differ from today's business intelligence, search, and question answering systems. It describes problems that cognitive computing can solve, looks at various adoption patterns, and delves into use cases that lend themselves to this new computing paradigm.

W16: Selecting the Right Digital Workplace Technologies: An Agile Selection Process
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group
Jarrod Gingras, Managing Director & Analyst, Real Story Group

This fast-paced workshop shares customer research from noted analyst firm Real Story Group on significant digital workplace technology and provides a framework for buyers to assess technology choices based on their particular needs. Specifically, it provides a methodology for mapping business needs to technology alternatives, as well as a road map for evaluating technology vendors. It clarifies your architectural choices in an increasingly confusing marketplace where standards remain more promise than reality. Our analysts share what they're hearing from customers, what is working, what is not, and what the prognosis is for technology buyers under pressure.

W17: Design Workshop for Interactive Online Meetings
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dr Nancy Dixon, Principal & Founder, Common Knowledge Associates

Most of us plan a second task to do while we listen to a webinar. We view them as a necessary-but boring-way to get information. Forget all that! Online meetings can be an engaging way to come together. With a few rules of thumb and a willingness to experiment, you can design online meetings that participants look forward to, take action after it's over, enjoy the event, and feel heard. You've got good ideas about online meetings, and Dixon's got lots of ideas. She believes putting the ideas together can make a change in those boring online meetings. The group discusses and provides insights about broadcast webinars, online meetings with breakout rooms where participants actually talk to each other, and team meetings for problem solving or coordination.

W18: Exploring the World’s Best Intranets
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
James Robertson, Founder, Step Two Author, Designing Intranets: Creating Sites That Work

For nine years, the Intranet Innovation Awards have uncovered remarkable intranet ideas from around the globe. The fundamental purpose of these awards has been to share solutions that would otherwise remain hidden within organizations, for the benefit of the wider intranet community. This screenshot-packed workshop, presented by the global thought-leader in the intranet space, shares countless ideas to inspire and inform. Structured around the five purposes of intranets (content, communication, collaboration, culture and activity), there is also plenty of time for questions and discussions.

W19: Team Problem Solving, Learning, & Knowledge Sharing
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Filip Callewaert, Head Information and Knowledge Management, Port of Antwerp Authority

Collaborative (or adaptive/dynamic) case management (CCM) is a lean and agile way for team problem solving. In CCM, you design the balance between structuredness and chaos, individual impulses and team wisdom, process creativity and results ambition-all necessary powers in "problem-solving" knowledge work. It is different from traditional case management in that it not only includes case records, but also the collaboration process itself, tasks, ideas, turning the problem-solving process explicit. In this dynamic case, all participants in the process "work out loud." It is the perfect basis for team learning and knowledge sharing. The case is the container for the "bigger data" of a problem-solving process, but this asks for cerebral labor in filtering, keeping order, and creating meaning toward a satisfying resolution. Human knowledge workers curate, analyze, synthesize, link, process, interpret, disclose, share, question relevant information and understand this in the perspective of the end result. Some people think it is about investing in a new kind of BPM software. In the design of productive team processes, this workshop shares the best practices, and starts from unstructured working environments, then designing work processes nested in generic team collaboration software. Learn how valuable this 2.0 case management can be for knowledge worker teams as the spine of their digital workplace. See what the necessary ingredients are and how you can translate this concept fairly easily with team collaboration software. Plenty of real world examples are given.

W20: Visualization & Analytics
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Miles Kehoe, Founder & President, New Idea Engineering
Pritesh Patel, Business Architect, Manager of Data, Analytics, Industrial Internet, Corporate, General Electric, Inc.

Elasticsearch and LucidWorks, two leaders in open source-based search, have created buzz with tools such as Kibana, Banana, and Silk to deliver search result visualization. These tools produce stunning interactive options to view search results and enable conventional search in ways that deliver meaning and encourage interactive discovery. See how others are using these tools. Bring your own laptop to install and use these tools and learn to build custom visualization plug-ins.

Enterprise Solutions Showcase Grand Opening Reception
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Join us for the Enterprise Solutions Showcase Grand Opening Fiesta! Explore the latest products and services from the top companies in the marketplace while enjoying flavorful fare and drink. Open to all conference attendees, speakers, and sponsors.

Program Table of Contents

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