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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Morning Keynotes
Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
KMWorld & Intranet Innovation Awards
8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

KMWorld magazine is proud to sponsor the KMWorld 2015 Reality & Promise Awards which are designed to celebrate the success stories of knowledge management. See page 24 for details. The global Intranet Innovation Awards, run by Step Two Designs, uncover and share leading edge intranets. Focusing on individual enhancements that demonstrate business value, the Intranet Innovation Awards help every team deliver a better site.

Keynote: Sparking Innovation: Cognitive Computing & KM
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Susan E. Feldman, President, Synthexis Cognitive Computing Consortium

Susan E. FeldmanAgility, speed and flexibility are key requirements for organizations today.  Enterprises need a new approach to handling, analyzing, and acting on complex information—as it arrives.  Feldman, a long-time technology analyst discusses a new approach to knowledge management that addresses the complex problems enterprises face today.  She considers the impact of cognitive computing on the IT industry and how it will affect our jobs and our lives. She raises issues and possible impacts for those in the search, discovery, content management and knowledge management areas, and demonstrates why KM professionals are uniquely well suited to understanding and using these new technologies.  She’ll end by giving us a glimpse of a future fueled by cognitive computing.

Keynote: Emerging Trends With Enterprise Search & Big Data
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Kamran Khan, Managing Director, Accenture

Kamran KhanBased on case study materials from recent search implementation projects, this presentation highlights examples of how the worlds of enterprise search and Big Data are converging and discusses the trends that we are seeing with some of the world's leading enterprises.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Track A - Track A -- Social KM & Knowledge Sharing
Moderator: Steven A Lastres, Director of Knowledge Management Resources, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

New social media tools are proliferating and enabling more sharing of information and knowledge than ever before. How do we harness these opportunities? Hear from a number of practitioners and update your social media strategy for KM!

A201: Measuring Value of Social Tech
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Euan Semple, Director, Conference Chair, & Author, Euan Semple Ltd
Gloria Burke, Director, Knowledge Management & Field Communications, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

When it comes to enterprise social, it’s all about the business case. Whether your initiative is just getting started or relatively mature, sustained adoption and ongoing support depend on demonstrating clear business value. This session showcases an approach and practical examples you can use to model your business case and ensure that your investment in enterprise social creates an open, agile, and networked organization. Take away ideas you can apply immediately in any social technology platform.

A202: Social Tech to Accelerate Critical Knowledge Transfer
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Susan McCabe, Enterprise Collaboration Consultant, Unified Social Business, Unisys Corporation

For today’s organizations, internal employee knowledge is often their most valuable asset. As the pace of employee retirements accelerates—with mature companies expected to lose up to a third of their workforce within the next 5–10 years—the ability to capture and transfer this knowledge has become a critical management challenge. Traditional approaches to knowledge transfer, such as building large, unwieldy knowledge repositories and utilizing individual mentoring and knowledge transfer sessions, fall increasingly short, particularly as the volume of departures accelerates. Social technologies— powered by their one-to-many capabilities—are changing the game by making knowledge transfer much more efficient and cost effective. Lee shares a pragmatic approach to leverage social technologies to simplify and accelerate the critical knowledge transfer process. He covers how social capabilities and tools can be integrated into a holistic critical knowledge transfer program; a simple, flexible approach and toolkit for addressing critical knowledge transfer challenges; and how to manage and maintain your critical knowledge transfer program, ensuring that value increases over time.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
A203: Tech Zone: Social KM for Tech Support
1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
David Hanes, Technical Leader, Cisco
Jenn Camia Grant, Program Manager, Cisco

The Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) is staffed by more than 3,000 engineers, spanning 20 facilities worldwide and bringing support to Cisco customers in more than 180 countries and in 17 languages. Each year, this group handles more than 1 million support cases for highly technical, complex issues. Without a robust and scalable knowledge management solution, it would be practically impossible to resolve these support cases in a timely manner and ensure customer satisfaction. Hear how Cisco architected and implemented an enterprise-class, end-to-end knowledge management solution. The linchpin of this solution is Tech Zone, a highly customized social knowledge platform that provides efficient collaboration and knowledge capture, allowing engineers to create content and reuse knowledge within their CRM system in a fully integrated workflow. The Tech Zone platform provides innovative methods of identifying useful content through its custom CQF (Content Quality Factor) metric that hooks directly into an innovative visualization tool, Content Visualizer (patent pending). The externalization of Cisco’s best internal content accelerates customers’ access to solutions. The impact of this externally consumable content: $40m cost savings and an industry-leading 82.6% case deflection rate.

A204: Pinterest for the Enterprise?
2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Thomas Hsu, Social Collaboration Strategist, Accenture
Steve Berzins, Social Learning Infrastructure Lead, Accenture

Thousands of search results—page after page of ugly SharePoint link farms … Enterprise workers still face the persistent problem of finding what they need in the “fire hose” of content. People are asking less for “the kitchen sink” and more for the very best, hand-picked (curated) content, but that takes work, and traditional content management approaches don’t seem to be enough. Social bookmarking has failed to take hold in the enterprise. But can we learn from newer iterations like Pinterest? Can a consumer technology designed for things like food or photography translate to the enterprise? Can we tap into the crowd to collectively curate the best content? Hsu focuses on a next generation capability, called “collections,” inspired by Pinterest and Flipboard but tailored for the enterprise, that is changing the way people capture and share great content at Accenture. The goal is to make it easy for anyone to collect and present content in a manner that’s as engaging as Pinterest. Content management has never been so exciting!

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
A205: Enterprise Social Networks
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Peter Gillis, Marine Corps Civilian IT Community Manager, Command, Control, Communications and Computers Department, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Craig St. Clair, Principal Consultant, Enterprise Knowledge LLC
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep Text

Many organizations are still struggling with how best to use social networks across the enterprise. The technology holds much promise and could be a game changer for many organizations. Is there a pattern for when social networks succeed and when they fail? Are there ways to maximize the chances for success and minimize the risk of failure? Are there situations in which it works better than others? Our first speakers draw from real-life experiences as practitioners of KM in large organizations and propose a practical model for deploying and using enterprise social networks. Reamy discusses the dramatic increase in social media content and its integration with traditional enterprise content—everything from formal enterprise documents to collaborative community forums to the Wild West of Twitter. Based on two recent social media projects, he looks at a range of issues and the potential solutions and implications for KM, including supporting KM communities with new models for social contents utilizing characterizations of business and personal skills, emotions, and expertise.

Communities of Interest
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Join your colleagues at the end of the day for an informal debriefing and meet with other attendees who have similar interests. Enjoy some great networking, stimulating discussions, and a chance to interact with some of the outstanding conference speakers and moderators.

Open to all conference attendees.

Track B - Track B -- Innovation
Moderator: Neesham Spitzberg, Senior Program Manager, Knowledge & Learning, Investment & Credit Risk, International Finance Corporation The World Bank Group

Continuous transformation and innovation are the hallmarks of a creative economy. Get practical ideas for getting more innovation in your organization, hear how other companies are stimulating innovation and creativity, and more!

B201: Practical Ideas for Innovation
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Stan Garfield, Author of five KM books & Founder, SIKM Leaders Community

Innovation is easy to talk about but harder to actually do. KM should enable and support innovation, but how? Innovation can be enabled where practices such as these are in place: Internal and external collaboration are used to seek potential solutions; communities of practice are valued as sources of ideas on the top issues facing the organization. To counter skepticism about idea collection/suggestions not being accepted, new and meaningful changes need to be implemented to show that things are different now, that there is a willingness to try out new ways of doing things by illustrating tangible manifestations of concepts. Once ideas are implemented, successive iterations are applied for continuous improvement. Hear details of Garfield’s 10 ways to stimulate innovation that include asking communities of practice for ideas; following good examples from other organizations; and conducting experiments to test new methods.

B202: Innovation Industry Insights
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Dr. Tina Chindgren-Wagner, Consultant & Researcher Virginia Tech
Gregg Carman, Chief Revenue Officer, Kaleo Software
Ann Gallon, Manager, Business Planning & Americas Region Strategy, Toyota

Industry leaders share their insights on innovation so get tips and ideas to use in your organization. Chindgren-Wagner discusses fostering a climate of innovation with knowledge sharing groups. She shares the results of a research study of 12 communities of practice representing civilian government and military, as well as industry, academia, and research centers that support the federal government as well as practical suggestions and implications.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
B203: Knowledge Sharing at Lafarge
1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Jean-Luc Abelin, Director Knowledge Management Group, Lafarge

This session discusses the global knowledge sharing platform, and the challenges and experiences at LaFarge. It highlights the user friendly visual interface, knowledge manager network, lessons learned, and insights for those engaged in finding better solutions. Abelin discusses the top tools for collaboration which improves knowledge sharing, decision-making, innovation and also shares how these activities and platforms are adding value not only from the business perspective but from a personal perspective.

B204: Facing Our Creativity Crisis
2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Louis Richardson, Storyteller & Enthusiast, Social Smarter Work, IBM Corporation

We are in a time when our educational systems (both public and corporate) have failed to prepare our children/employees with the skills they will need ... the skills we currently need in our corporations today. In meeting rooms and cubicles throughout America, we have a deficit of individuals who are passionate about creative thinking and are not satisfied with the status quo. We are formed to be creative. Just look at any child and how they play. There are no boundaries to what they can do and no obstacles to their imagination. They aren’t worried about making mistakes because they are too focused on creating something remarkable and fun. Richardson explores the business demand for creativity, the hurdles and the benefits of using social behaviors to reimagine your organization, and suggests some possible solutions.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
B205: Innovating Like da Vinci & With Collaboration
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Michael Novak, Executive Director, Maryland Performance Excellence AwardsProgram

Sometimes it is wise to look to the past for solutions to modern problems. As innovation becomes increasingly important, the approaches of Leonardo da Vinci provide best practices to emulate. Novak believes da Vinci can be recognized as an early proponent of KM, and introduces the seven techniques da Vinci used to guide his thinking and innovation. 

Communities of Interest
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Join your colleagues at the end of the day for an informal debriefing and meet with other attendees who have similar interests. Enjoy some great networking, stimulating discussions, and a chance to interact with some of the outstanding conference speakers and moderators.

Open to all conference attendees.

Track C - Track C -- Tools for Getting KM Started
Moderator: Maura McGrath, McREL International

From tips on getting executive buy in for KM initiatives, to strategies for engaging staff in KM, to using lessons learned, to collaboration techniques, this series of talks provides the tools you need for getting a successful KM initiative under way.

C201: KM Buy-In & Mobile Enabled Intranets
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Matt McClelland, Manager, Information Governance Office, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
Gretchen Nadasky, Manager, Information Management, Optimity Advisors
Martin Zary, Mobile Practice Director, Rivet Logic

Many company CEOs struggle with a difficult issue: how to adapt to and/or adopt powerful new emerging KM technologies into an existing organization? The KM decision is a strategic (adopt), not a tactical (adapt), decision and involves creation/allocation of valuable technical resources into adapting existing organizational processes versus adopting powerful, new, analytically powered KM processes. McClelland and Nadasky focus on the E3 formula they developed that can be used to drive projects from identification of need to execution and on-going operations. They discuss the key to a successful roll-out: gaining the support of all of these constituents by engaging them in ways that are meaningful to them, setting expectations for the benefits and costs and identifying enthusiastic evangelists to spread the message. Zary discusses mobile enabled intranets which enhance knowledge sharing.

C202: Improving the Bottom Line Through Collaboration
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Robert L. Armacost, Engagement Director, Iknow LLC

Knowledge is increasingly taking many different forms, it has a shorter “shelf life” and it needs to be shared and learned more rapidly than ever before. This drives the need for stronger capabilities to help people to connect and collaborate with others quickly, both within and beyond formal teams and also with external customers, suppliers and partners. In most organizations, collaboration has become much more important than content to transfer and apply critical knowledge, and it has changed what knowledge is for many organizations. Organizations have rushed to invest heavily in new tools, including social collaboration, yet for most of them, their hopes for dramatic business impact remain unrealized. Organizations rarely align the collaboration approach to the business strategy, and don’t think fully about the critical cultural and governance considerations either. This talk shares the insights and best practices for developing and sustaining a winning collaboration program, based on the experiences of many leading firms. It covers building and selling the business case, aligning it to core business needs, and driving successful program implementation.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
C203: The Knowledge Supply Chain
1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
Dr Nick Milton, Director & Founder, Knoco Ltd member of the committe preparing the ISO KM standard

The business value of knowledge is to enable the knowledge worker, and support them in making the most effective and efficient decisions. Knowledge is as much a raw material for the knowledge worker as parts and tools are for the manual worker. We can therefore think of KM as being the supply chain for knowledge, providing just-in-time knowledge to support  the front-line knowledge worker. This allows us to take models and insights from other supply chains in order to improve how KM works, including the “elimination of 7 wastes” from Lean Supply Chain theory, and the clear focus on the knowledge user.  Hear about the supply-chain view of KM, its implications, and ways to develop and/or improve a KM Framework.

C204: KM Implementation Stories
2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Ravi Shankar Ivaturi, Operations Director, Unisys
Dani Koltun, Head of Knowledge Management , Global Services, NICE

This fast-paced session highlights two KM journeys and shares tips for others beginning their own KM initiatives. Hear about the success of the KM team and their experiences with practical examples showcasing the initiatives and successes. Ivaturi shares ideas and best practices on how Unisys India created a repeatable collaborative framework to engage with engineering schools across India to promote innovation in campuses related to disruptive business and IT trends by leveraging the company’s platform solution, Unisys Cloud 20/20. By using the four main KM pillars (process, content, culture, and system), NICE managed to leverage both the sharing of existing knowledge and the creation of new knowledge. Hear about the steps it took, including using proactive knowledge-sharing technics, improving the infrastructure, using a federated search method, and using gamification to encourage knowledge sharing.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
C205: Federal CKO Panel
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Turo Dexter, Knowledge Management Officer, US DOT / Federal Transit Administration
Dr. Susan Camarena, Chief Knowledge and Learning Officer, Federal Transit Administration
David Oberhettinger, Chief Knowledge Officer, NASA/Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
William Balko, Chief Knowledge Officer, Defense Information Systems Agency

A panel of chief knowledge officers from federal agencies discuss key aspects of KM in the federal space. Topics include starting a KM program; quick wins; institutionalizing and sustaining KM; skills needed in the central KM organization; effective KM, HR, and IT partnerships; and KM as a driver of employee engagement.

Communities of Interest
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Join your colleagues at the end of the day for an informal debriefing and meet with other attendees who have similar interests. Enjoy some great networking, stimulating discussions, and a chance to interact with some of the outstanding conference speakers and moderators.

Open to all conference attendees.

Program Table of Contents

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