Monday, November 5, 2007

Preconference Workshops
W1: Knowledge Transfer: Using Narrative & Stories
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company
Michael Cheveldave, VP, Business Development, The Cynefin Company

This interactive learning workshop focuses on understanding the role of narrative (stories and anecdotes) in practical approaches for facilitating effective knowledge exchange between individuals and teams within organizations. During the learning process, participants explore the key topics of the conference to reveal perspectives, biases, and diverse understandings so they are better prepared to absorb, challenge, and learn from the conference with “new eyes.” In addition, attendees will take away a new process for knowledge transfer to use in their own organizations.

W2: KM 2.0 Unconference: How to Save Knowledge Management (or, Can KM Change the World?)
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dave Pollard, CKO (retired), Ernst & Young; Chartered Accountants of Canada Director, Group Pattern Language Project
Siona van Dijk, Director of Communications, Zaadz, Inc.

Join Dave Pollard, VP Knowledge Development, CICA and author of the "How to Save the World" weblog, and Open Space Facilitator Siona van Dijk, as they lead an experiential, collaborative investigation into what it might take to rescue KM—and how such a changed KM might change the world.

W3: Critical Success Factors for KM Initiatives
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Larry Chait, Managing Director, Chait and Associates, Inc

Leveraging knowledge is a critical factor in operational effectiveness and organizational innovation. Yet with all of its importance, far too many KM initiatives fall short or fail outright. In this hands-on, interactive session, attendees work through a series of exercises to understand this paradox in order to identify the requirements for success and to answer these questions: Why do so many KM initiatives fail to measure up? What makes KM unique? What is required for success? What tools and techniques can be used to help? Full of practical examples, lessons learned, tips, and insights, this workshop will help you move your KM initiative forward.

W4: Dealing with Change & Building the Enterprise of the Future
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dr. Art Murray, CEO, Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. Director, Enterprise of the Future Program, International Institute for Knowledge and Innovation
Rudy Garrity, Consultant, & Director, Learning and Assessment Programs, George Washington University Institute for Knowledge and Innovation

One of the greatest challenges to transforming a legacy organization into an “enterprise of the future” is resistance to change. Plans are written, motivational rallies held, workshops and training sessions conducted. People are energized. Yet the execution doesn’t follow. Upon returning to the day-to-day pressures of crises, deadlines, and full e-mail boxes, everyone quickly reverts back to their old habits. How can we break free from the daily grind that is draining our productivity, our energy, our creativity and causing us to fall hopelessly behind? This workshop deals with overcoming obstacles and barriers to change. Based on more than 20 years of academic research, field testing, and real-world application, some of the actionable techniques discussed include changing the way people think about their work, the critical role of leadership and the core mission, constant reinforcement using embedded change agents as catalysts, applying technology, and making learning a habitual part of every work process. By applying the techniques learned, you will quickly begin to see results, including increased organizational performance, quicker response to changes, faster business decision making, faster knowledge flows, and other benefits. Get the action steps that will help you speed up your organization’s transformation.

W5: Knowledge Capture: Getting Beyond the Theoretical KM Approach
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Kaye Atkins, Senior Information Analyst, Washington Savannah River Company

This workshop covers the basics of capturing Subject Matter Expert (SME) content using off-the-shelf applications with low overhead and rapid results for sharing. Attendees construct a Knowledge Capture product by the end of the workshop and participate in the composition of the elements towards producing the deliverable using worksheets and tools provided by the instructor. The implementation model for the workshop is based on using a community of practice (CoP) or group of individuals selected by their organization, trained and supported by the KM team via monthly user group meetings, technical support, and online information bulletins. This workshop is similar to the initial orientation to Knowledge Capture that is provided to new individuals joining a CoP.

W6: Intranets & Portals: Strategies & Best Practices
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Carmine Porco, Technology Strategist

Successful intranets and portals promote and institute change within an enterprise by supporting the way users and management approach and perform work. A widely deployed, highly interactive site/portal leaves few internal processes and business functions untouched. It changes the way work is performed — whether searching for product information, finding experts, enrolling or completing training, or submitting expenses. The site/portal becomes the center of the workday for knowledge workers and those dependent on the site for tools and information. With many real-world examples, this interactive workshop focuses on strategies and best practices for governing and managing an intranet/portal for success and productivity. Discussions center around standards and policies, staffing, branding, style guidelines, enterprise support, and more. Join us for insights and ideas for improving your intranet or portal.

W7: Taxonomy 101
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Alice Redmond-Neal, Chief Taxonomist, Access Innovations, Inc.

The foundation of successful information architecture is a well-built taxonomy. This workshop addresses the basics, including identifying concepts and collecting and organizing terms to describe your domain. It covers the steps for constructing a taxonomy or full thesaurus to suit your organizational needs. Learn about domain analysis, sources for terminology, and organizational strategies. Major focal points include relationships between terms, the logic of inheritance, and more, with attention given to established taxonomy construction standards. Several practical exercises help reinforce concepts presented and provide a solid introduction or skills refresher for other sessions.

W8: Creating Effective CM & Search Strategies
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise

In many cases content management and search strategy are not considered from an integrated perspective, but they should be. However, strategy is an ambiguous term. What does a CM strategy mean? Is it the business strategy and how business needs are supported by content? The strategy for developing content, messaging and branding? Is it the technical strategy for implementing the CMS? The strategy for selecting a tool? Strategy for migrating and tagging content? And so on. How should search be considered when developing a CM strategy? Organizations are struggling with unifying their content management tools, enterprise information and search systems so that information can evolve with changing markets and business processes yet remain in context to user needs. How can you create a content and search strategy that will address diverse business and technical requirements without creating redundant integration points as new repositories and applications are developed? This session provides practical approaches to developing an actionable content strategy including checklists and example questionnaires as well as illustrative findings and approaches.

W9: Developing a Taxonomy within an Enterprise Context
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep Text

An enterprise taxonomy is not developed in a vacuum. This workshop looks at how to develop a taxonomy within an enterprise context that includes content management and enterprise search. Attendees study how to create the right enterprise taxonomy with the right blend of formal taxonomy structure, multiple browsing taxonomy structures, and faceted taxonomies. The agenda covers how to research the organization’s content, user communities and their information behaviors, and business process to expand the taxonomy model into a full platform to support multiple applications and looks at developmental issues that arise when attempting an enterprise-wide taxonomy. It ends with the design issues that need to be decided upon to support ongoing maintenance and governance of such a complex entity. The workshop also covers what not to do: lessons gleaned from what did not work well in hands-on projects.

W10: Taking Advantage of Web 2.0 Applications
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO, Helix Commerce
John Jainschigg, VP/Director, CMP World2World, CMP Technology, LLC
Kim Smith, Manager, CMP Technology, LLC
Ron McKenzie, CEO, Ocotpz

This workshop provides participants with an introduction to next-generation social media and collaboration experiences, leveraging new design experiences. For the creative professional who would like to see how the next generation of collaboration and flash solutions can be used, practical experiences of how to delight your customers are shared from case studies of leading retailers, telecommunication and creative media design organizations. If you are a trailblazing leader and your online media experiences now are exploring the value of virtual worlds and avatars, join the discussion on how Second Life and avatars can create a unique customer interactive experience. This highly interactive session focuses on rich collaboration and social media experiences and discusses the Web 2.0 market landscape and implications for KM professionals, user design experience criteria and best practices, lessons learned and more. Join this workshop for a lively learning experience.

W11: The KM Unworkshop
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
David Gurteen, Director, Gurteen Knowledge

This is a workshop with a difference. Like the concept of the unconference in which the content of the sessions is driven and created by the participants, this is an unworkshop where you determine what is discussed. This unworkshop brings together people who are responsible in some way within their organizations for making “knowledge productive” in order that they may learn from each other, improve their performance, and become more effective in their jobs. It is not just about learning in the traditional sense but about gaining support and inspiration from each other and building confidence to tackle seemingly insurmountable challenges. This KM Unworkshop is for people who are like-minded but from diverse industries, looking to share their knowledge, looking for inspiration and want to think more imaginatively, wish to learn from each other, would like to support and motivate each other, and have a burning desire to make a difference in their organizations. The workshop focuses on participants’ challenges and needs and is all about “action” — getting things done; business outcomes; and the practical and pragmatic, not the theoretical.

W12: Knowledge Worker Productivity: Strategies & Techniques
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Steve Barth, Assistant Professor/Chair, Business & Entrepreneurship, Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Engineering and the Business of Innovation, University of Southern California Reflected Knowledge Consulting
Eric Mack, Founder & President, ICA

Personal KM (PKM) explores how expertise and effectiveness scale up to organizational value with a focus on the capabilities and contributions of each and every knowledge worker. PKM starts with individual priorities and processes that lead to self-organization in the workplace with values, skills, and tools to build stronger teams and networks from the ground up. Successful companies know they have to evolve. Executives consider knowledge worker productivity to be a priority for bottom-line results. Knowledge workers need to make informed decisions, but then they need to translate decisions into successful actions. This workshop teams PKM pioneer Steve Barth with e-productivity expert Eric Mack for solutions that will work for you and your organization. Together, they offer a framework for sustainable personal and team effectiveness that blends learning and collaboration-oriented tools and practices with the kinds of action and outcome-focused habits and behaviors found in action management methodologies, such as David Allen’s Getting Things Done or Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits.   

W13: Developing an Effective Content Framework
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Ann Rockley, President, The Rockley Group, Inc.

A content framework is the underlying structure for your content that enables you to effectively create, manage, and deliver content. It provides the common structures for content creation that support the customer relationship management lifecycle and ensures that content is consistently structured, written, and reused and can be automatically reformatted for multichannel delivery. This workshop provides the methodologies and best practices for the definition of customer relationship management life cycles; techniques in mapping content types to the life cycle; design of modular content types; design of content components that allow for both consistency of structure and delivery while still allowing for flexibility and creativity where appropriate; and developing a realistic content reuse strategy. This methodology focuses on the creation of XML-ready models and addresses the question of whether to adopt existing industry standards or create custom content models. Participants will view real examples of models and work through the development of one.

W14: Global Intranet Maturity Workshop: Lessons and Opportunities
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Jane McConnell, Digital Workplace Strategic Advisor, NetStrategy/JMC

This workshop is structured around an intranet maturity grid developed specifically for large, complex organizations. Data on the grid comes from 2 years of results of the Global Intranet Strategies Survey (conducted in 2006 and 2007), showing where different types of enterprises and intranets are positioned. Participants walk through the grid step by step, comparing the global data with their own contexts. Numerous best practices and lessons learned collected in the 2007 survey are presented and discussed. Participants will get a clearer understanding of what other organizations are doing, how they are positioned, and a list of ideas and practices contributed by survey participants and other members of the workshop. Topics covered include strategy planning, governance, content management, 2.0 technologies, localization, collaboration, application integration, search and findability, customization and personalization, and budgets and resources.

W15: Enterprise Search Engines: Critical Success Factors
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Avi Rappoport, Senior Search Consultant, Search Tools Consulting

Search engines may seem like a black box. Queries go in, answers come out. But search engines are just software, and the more you know about what makes yours work, the more you can tune it to solve your users’ real information needs. This practical workshop describes the various aspects of search: index structure, robot spiders and other indexers, query parsing, retrieval, relevance ranking, and designing usable search interfaces and suggests solutions for common problems and best practices. It covers the critical factors for successful implementations of enterprise search engines and offers suggestions for choosing a search engine or evaluating an existing one.

W16: When ECM & Enterprise Search Collide
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Alan Pelz-Sharpe, Principal Industry Analyst, Deep Analysis

Search remains critical to the efficacy of content management systems, but how do enterprise content management (ECM) and search technologies fit together? While bulging document repositories put new demands on enterprise search, the two disciplines of ECM and search remain quite separate. ECM expert Alan Pelz- Sharpe looks at search in an ECM context, interpreting what’s going on behind the scenes. He answers such questions as: What types of search technologies do the major ECM suites on the marketplace offer? Where are ECM vendors partnering with search suppliers, and when and why are they rolling out their own? How are large enterprises integrating search and content management strategies? Do you need to invest in a separate search solution if you invest in ECM?

W17: Getting Started with Business Taxonomy Design
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Lisa Butcher, Principal Analyst, Project Performance Corporation
Joseph Busch, Principal, Taxonomy Strategies

In today’s knowledge management systems, business users are more active than ever in the publication and consumption of information. However, many organizations are struggling to also engage business users in managing the information they create and consume so that it can easily be found and used more than once. Information retrieval methods such as metadata and controlled vocabularies, historically used only by librarians, now need to be made accessible for typical businesspeople. Many organizations have failed to adjust the design and strategy of taxonomies, as the audience and uses have changed. As a result, taxonomies are often overly complex and far from intuitive for end users. This workshop provides an introduction to taxonomy and metadata benefits, design concepts, and implementation strategies. It also provides a practical design methodology that allows you to begin designing a business taxonomy for your own organization.

W18: Rich Text Processing: Can It Fix Broken Search?
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Stephen E. Arnold, Managing Director,

This tutorial addresses rich text processing (RTP), which refers to content processing systems that discover, extract, apply, and interpret metadata. RTP has emerged as one way to minimize the pain of an overstressed search implementation by adding additional points of entry to content so that users can point and click (not type queries) to locate information. RTP also can add superindexes that weave together content scattered across different repositories and in different file types. This tutorial covers four key topics: 1) definitions of RTP, including several brief examples of effective RTP implementations; 2) review of 20 vendors of RTP systems with a strengths/weaknesses review of six prominent vendors; 3) identification of cost realities, including the three areas most likely to generate the unfortunate cost spikes that plague search-related systems; 4) pitfalls and tips for effective deployment of RTP systems. Anyone involved in enterprise search, taxonomy development, or semantic initiatives will find this workshop helpful. Investors, financial professionals, and CTOs will benefit from the cost and management information presented in the tutorial.

W19: Taxonomy & Search: Using Taxonomies to Improve Search
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise

What are the various ways that taxonomy can be applied to search? Faceted search is one, but what are others? Since taxonomy is a core organizing principle of a content management application and related search tools, there are numerous ways to influence search recall and precision by using thesaurus structures and taxonomies. Even search appliances can leverage taxonomies, and integrated search applications can maintain context of federated search using taxonomies. This practical workshop covers a variety of ways that you can integrate and fully leverage large public taxonomies as well as apply small controlled vocabularies in search applications and search systems. It discusses examples of advanced and innovative integrated search environments that leverage metadata and taxonomies with various classes of search tools.

W20: Learnership: Developing Knowledge Worker Skills for the Future
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dr. Art Murray, CEO, Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. Director, Enterprise of the Future Program, International Institute for Knowledge and Innovation
Rudy Garrity, Consultant, & Director, Learning and Assessment Programs, George Washington University Institute for Knowledge and Innovation

To remain competitively employed as a valued “enterprise of the future” resource, workers in all career fields must become better learners, leaders, and contributors to their organizations and communities. This workshop focuses on the fundamentals of “learnership” and the competencies of learnership practitioners that empower thinking, learning, knowing, and leading and pursue significant improvement in tomorrow’s organizations and communities. By applying the techniques learned in this workshop, you will be able to improve the performance of your personal microsystem as well as the performance of your organizational macrosystem and contribute to the performance of your community megasystem as well as everyone’s societal metasystem. Join our speakers and gain insights and techniques for developing knowledge worker skills in your organization. 

Monday Evening Session
Knowledge Café
7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
David Gurteen, Director, Gurteen Knowledge

This informal and interactive KMWorld & Intranets learning community brings together attendees to learn from each other in order that they may make a difference in their organizations. Gurteen starts off with a short introduction to the knowledge cafe process — a simple means for a group of people to have an open, creative conversation on a topic of mutual interest to gain a deeper collective understanding of a subject and the issues involved. Join us for a discussion about what the barriers to knowledge sharing and innovation are within organizations, how we can overcome them, KM2.0 and the enterprise of the future. Enjoy networking and knowledge sharing with colleagues and fellow attendees. A great and energetic way to get to know the KMWorld & Intranets 2007 community and share insights! Better still, the cafe format is one that you can take back and use in your own organization to help create a more collaborative and innovative culture.

Program Table of Contents

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