Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tags, Categories, & Knowledge Sharing
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

The issue of tags and categories is one of the main issues currently facing knowledge management and social meaning. In effect, we are continuing to use old ways. We like categories, so even when we are trying to express dynamic relationships, we stick to them. We increase the number and give equal status, but we are still looking for truth linked to the validity of a tag. With this dependence on categories, and more specifically the assumption of common meaning in language, the use of tags remains one of the main challenges to progress in social computing. We place too much significance on the symbolic nature of language and fail to realize dependency on context if we are to gain meaning. Snowden discusses some new ways of dealing with the issue and suggests ways in which we can create context-rich approaches to organizing and interpreting our knowledge. He also takes a controversial look forward and forecasts where we may be going in the future.

Track A - Enterprise Change Strategies

Dealing with change is one of the biggest challenges for organizations and is critical to KM initiatives, which normally involve significant change. Our speakers share practical strategies, tools, maps, practices, and tips for creating enthusiasm for change.

Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibit Hall
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
A301: Managing Organizational Change
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Jeff Hiatt, President, Prosci

Changes to processes, systems and tools ultimately require people to change how they do their jobs. Your business process management (BPM) projects ultimately depend on people. Yet, employee resistance to change remains the number one obstacle to successful transformations. Hiatt reveals the science of effectively managing the people side of change, including research results, practical tools, and easy-to-use models. He provides a road map that enables you to take charge of the people side of your project.

A302: Effective Organizing in a Wired Environment
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Jon Husband, Techno-Anthropologist, Wirearchy

In this era of hyperlinked information, it’s clear that many organizations have been ignoring the rapidly increasing growth and impact of the networked knowledge worker. And, it’s likely that most organizations now have competency profiles for most or all employees, supplemented by learning contracts or maps and programs focused on growing competency, responsiveness, and effectiveness. Organizations have software, databases, knowledge work applications and ways of codifying skills and competencies. Today, there are great opportunities to use some of the new Web- or software-based capabilities to enhance and optimize flexibility and responsiveness. Learn about developing a “wired” organization chart based on peoples’ competencies and availability, an alternate form of an organization chart whereby employee profiles can be pulled together using tags, learning maps, or contracts, and then used to focus the best available skills and project or engagement at any given time.

Lunch Break
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
A303: Sparking Enthusiasm for Change
1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Steve Denning, Author, The Leader's Guide to Radical Management, The Leader's Guide to Storytelling, & others

Our experienced KM practitioner, storyteller, and consultant shares secrets from his new book about how to get enduring enthusiasm for change whatever the change happens to be. He describes nine ways to elicit desire for change and provides many real-world examples to emphasize his points.

Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
A304: Organizational Change in Healthcare
2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Michael Cheveldave, VP, Business Development, The Cynefin Company
Terry Miller, Organization Development Consultant, Interior Health

Changing customer demands, shortages of skilled workers, and ongoing financial constraints are challenging most organizations. The healthcare sector faces these pressures while also serving a population that lives longer and requires more costly treatments and related medical technologies. Maintaining effective workplace environments and cultures in healthcare is critical to ensuring that the health needs of our communities are sustained as we navigate the complexities of our changing times. Come hear how mass narrative capture helped one healthcare organization manage through a period of low morale compounded by a crisis and intense public pressure. Narrative and workplace stories define an organization’s culture but also provide a way to see multiple perspectives on challenging issues. It was by making sense of how healthcare providers, management, as well as patients and families, collectively experience their system that solutions for effecting change were identified.

Track B - KM 2.0 & Beyond: Enterprise Strategies

This stream of sessions discusses new ways of working and sharing knowledge in the enterprise. Focusing on case studies and new tools, there are lots of tips and ideas to gain and reuse in your organization.

Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibit Hall
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
B301: KM 2.0 in Action
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Ted Graham, COO, Operator, Inc. HotSpex

KM has been a challenge in many organizations. Based on his experience with Hill & Knowlton as well as McKinsey, this session focuses on how to incorporate new social media tools such as blogs, tagging, and social networking to inspire ideas, find expertise, engage employees and clients while still integrating with existing intranets and KM processes. Lots of practical tips, lessons learned, and insights for use in your environment.

B302: A New Way to Work
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Cyrus Mistry, Enterprise Product Manager, Google Cloud

The foundation of many software applications and business processes are rooted in a structure where employees are based in one (or several) discrete locations with a distinct and well-understood corporate hierarchy. Today’s world, characterized by faster rates of change, deeper relationships with partners, suppliers, and customers, and employees that have networks across the company demands new tools and processes. To support this dramatic shift, the role of IT has shifted from facilities-based computing to providing the foundation that enables employees to collaborate and share information across the company. Hear Google’s ideas about what the next generation of collaboration looks like and how organizations can deliver the tools and technologies to maximize productivity.

Lunch Break
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
B303: Context 2.0 – Laying the Groundwork for Web 2.0 and KM 2.0
1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Greg Pepus, Consulting Partner, Flex Analytics

Many of the concepts supporting Web 2.0 (and KM 2.0) center on context. Developing context requires that unstructured information, including text, audio visual and video data, imagery, and geospatial data, be appropriately processed to formulate the necessary metadata to drive such context. Web 2.0 and KM 2.0 technologies need to seek context without waiting for human intervention. Rather they must, at a minimum, invoke or even provoke human intervention and interaction when necessary and offer a range of suggestions as to how context might be achieved. This session focuses on building advanced indexing systems for Web 2.0 and KM 2.0 that automatically seek and generate context. It discusses the importance of building context through the automatic generation of metadata and describes a systems architecture for developing a much broader data indexing capability for both enterprise intranet, extranet, and the public World Wide Web.

Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
B304: Visualization as a Tool for Knowledge Transfer
2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Chris Rivinus, Director of Knowledge Systems, Parsons Brinckerhoff

This session describes how one engineering and construction company builds its projects in virtual environments first to facilitate conversation between technical and nontechnical constituents and to accelerate decision making. It builds each phase of the construction to facilitate a rapid knowledge transfer between engineers, construction managers, and the actual workers on site and with each step of the project execution. This talk moves beyond visualization of engineering projects and into the elements of storytelling, integrated data management, innovation, group learning, etc., and is highly stimulating visually.

Track C - Expertise & Collaboration

Morning speakers highlight different ways to manage expertise including experiences, lessons learned and tips for others. The afternoon focuses on collaboration ending with a fun look at building relationships in your organization.

Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibit Hall
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
C301 & C302: Managing Expertise: A Key Focus for KM
10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Larry Chait, Managing Director, Chait and Associates, Inc
Stuart Rosenberg, Team Leader/Senior Manager, Deloitte
Stacie Jordan, Capability Development Senior Manager, Accenture Interactive
Gregory Trinh, Director of Marketing Technology, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Josh Yuster, CEO, BranchIt Corporation

In small organizations, sharing expertise is a way of life. But as organizations grow larger and geographically dispersed, and as roles become specialized, silos are created that block expertise sharing. What tools and techniques can be applied? Rosenberg talks about connecting people to people and Deloitte’s expertise locator tool, which uses a Tacit Software product along with an internal software networking tool via Microsoft MOSS 2007. Jordan discusses Accenture’s use of collaborative tools (e.g., blogs, wikis, Facebook, discussion forums, etc.) for strengthening people-to-people connections. Trinh and Yuster illustrate through a case study how one organization uncovers the network of relationships held by employees and what it plans for the future. All speakers share current practices, lessons learned and success stories.

Lunch Break
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
C303: Retaining Today's Knowledge for Tomorrow's Workforce
1:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Darcy Lemons, Senior Advisor, Advisory Services, APQC
Karen Danis, CKM/CKEE

Loss of knowledge and expertise is, and will continue to be, a huge challenge for organizations due to retirement, rapid growth, layoffs, turnovers, mergers and acquisitions, and internal redeployments. Developing and retaining business knowledge and talent continue to be at the forefront of business issues. Although significant progress has been made, critical gaps remain, and there is much work to be done. Learn how five best-practice organizations implemented strategies and processes to identify what knowledge needs to be retained, established processes for capturing and transferring knowledge, and aligned the knowledge retention strategy to business and workforce (employee lifecycle) strategies.

Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
C304: Achieving Collaboration in Your Organizational Zoo
2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Dr Arthur Shelley, Principal, Intelligent Answers Author, KNOWledge SUCCESSion, Being a Successful Knowledge Leader & The Organizational Zoo: A Survival Guide to Workplace Behaviour

Hear about some novel training ideas in the areas of collaboration, team building, and knowledge management based on the animal metaphors. Our practitioner, and author, creates fun and adds energy to the room as you learn how to build better relationships together.

Track D - User Experience & Design

Intranet users typically have sophisticated, well-developed, and often divergent expectations. Meeting end-user and enterprise requirements is increasingly challenging. Join our speakers for lots of tips and techniques as well as real world examples which will spark new ideas for engaging your intranet audience and providing them with a productive space.

Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibit Hall
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
D301: Usable Platforms for Smart Organizations
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Jerome Nadel, SVP, User Experience, Sagem Wireless

The Internet has mandated a shift toward “self-serve” for both customer-facing sites and internal business applications. Customers and employees expect to find information and complete transactions on their own. If technology is hard to use, the result impacts both top- and bottom-line revenue. Usability is now a mission- critical, strategic imperative for your organization to fully leverage internal capabilities and ensure successful products and services. Nadel shares trends and best practices gleaned from case studies, including examples from SAP, Ernst & Young, and ConocoPhillips. Gather tips for creating “smart” portals to meet user expectations, designing intranets that deliver role-based content and tools, and deploying KM systems that harness intellectual assets for practical use.

D302: Insights from High Performing Intranets
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Carmine Porco, Technology Strategist

Replacement session. Description to follow.

Lunch Break
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
D303: Mashups & More: Creating a Positive User Experience
1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Karen Huffman, Manager, Technology Solutions, Information Systems & Technology, National Geographic Society Special Libraries Association

This session demonstrates how information can be mashed up, remixed and shared to create new information products and services. Huffman looks inside the enterprise and shows how National Geographic has implemented and integrated RSS, blogs, wikis, and mind mapping on its intranet and collaborative work initiatives. Huffman shares the National Geographic story, lessons learned, and practical steps for getting started.

Coffee Break - Visit the Exhibit Hall
2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
D304: Transforming the Enterprise 2.0 Intranet
2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Sean A. Johnson, Product Manager, Content Discovery, Information Management Software, IBM Corporation

IBM has one of the largest and most powerful intranets in the world. It provides over 300,000 employees around the globe with tens of millions of pages of information to help them find the people, products, services, and answers they need to make IBM successful. Any employee or group can create dynamic pages such as blogs, wikis, and forum postings to share their knowledge with the rest of the organization. Through a combination of search, social bookmarking, and tagging, IBM is working to keep the exponentially increasing content under control and easily accessible while actively promoting the creativity and innovation of its employees. Levirne discusses the challenges in deploying enterprise search across its large and dynamic intranet, and the principles used to improve information sharing, employee decision making, and productivity while reducing time wasted scouring for answers or duplicating effort.

Closing Keynote
From KM 1.0 to KM 2.0 and Beyond
3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Stouffer Egan, Chief Executive Officer, Autonomy
Tony Sheehan, Group Knowledge Manager & Associate Director, Arup

Sheehan reflects on 7 years’ worth of strategy development, technology implementation, social networking, and the occasional best-practice award received by Arup. He explores the key drivers of knowledge strategy and explains how a range of people, process, and technology solutions were successfully implemented in line with a rapidly evolving business strategy. In recent years, he has started to explore the increasing opportunities for knowledge sharing created by meaning-based computing and talks about the opportunities and impact on the future of organizational knowledge strategy and implementation. Egan discusses the parallel changes in technology that support organizations such as Arup and others.

Exhibit Hall Presentations
Search Innovation Stories
10:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Hadley Reynolds, Co-founder, Cognitive Computing Consortium

This session highlights how FAST customers have found new sources of business value in innovative applications of search technology

Building Enterprise 2.0
11:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Christopher Walton, Sr. Director of Products, X1

This talk showcases customer success stories in the areas of enterprise search integration, email management, and compliance. See how companies are getting better leverage from existing enterprise applications and repositories and providing a consolidate search experience.    

Net Work: Creating & Sustaining Networks
12:15 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Patti Anklam, Principal Consultant Net Work & Author, NetWork, Net Work

This session is a practical guide for creating and sustaining networks at work and around the world. It is filled with tips, techniques and tales of successful implementations.

Web 3.0 (The Semantic Web) Search Technology
12:45 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Scott Jarus, Cognition Technologies

This session discusses semantic Search technology based upon linguistic science and natural language processing (NLP), and how, through the creation of a massive taxonomy and ontology of the common English language, a semantic Search engine can “understand” the meanings of virtually every common English word and phrase. This understanding results in a dramatic increase in recall and precision. Illustrations of how this technology is currently being used to improve and enhance activities in business intelligence, knowledge management, Website Search and deep research will be presented.

Breaking Through with Sales Enablement 2.0
1:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Jeff Summers, Chief Marketing Officer, SAVO Group

Sales Enablement has fast evolved into a collaborative process which allows you to connect your sales team with marketers, subject matter experts and corporate executives to produce and push the best content to front-line salespeople for any specific situation. Hear about the latest in Sales Enablement trends, technologies and business practices that are driving significant improvements in corporate performance including a framework for defining and prioritizing, tactics and key Web 2.0 technologies.

What is the Business Value of Your Intranet?
2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Nancy Goebel, Director of Business Development, Intranet Benchmarking Forum

Intranet services and corporate portals are notoriously hard to value at a financial and business level. For too long, intranets and portal managers have relied on rather jaded “money or time saved” calculations, which seldom convince senior leaders – particularly the financial leadership. To address this issue, the Intranet Benchmarking Forum’s latest work is to develop a model to benchmark the financial value of intranet services in major organizations. This talk provides an update on IBF “work in progress” to shape our new Intranet Financial Value Tool, based on recent IBF research and development within Unilever, Shell and BT.

Program Table of Contents

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