Monday, October 31, 2011

Morning Workshops

Choose among 20 workshops to concentrate on your special areas of interest. Taught by experts, the workshops offer you a chance for interactive, small-group learning. Mix and match morning and afternoon workshops to customize your conference program and jump-start your week. (Workshops are separately prices or available with a Conference Pass Plus Workshops or Platinum Pass options.)

W1: Participatory KM Diagnostics & Planning
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant, Straits Knowledge Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing

KM is often seen by operational managers as abstract, overly conceptual, and distantly related to the “real world” challenges of everyday work. These perceptions create significant communications and change management challenges for knowledge managers. In this half-day workshop, participants are introduced to a set of tools to support participatory KM diagnostic and planning exercises in which managers can be facilitated through simple diagnostics to identify where knowledge and information flows support or inhibit their effectiveness and then identify possible KM interventions for themselves. It’s designed to engage managers in identifying knowledge and information management needs in their own terms and to facilitate them through a process of identifying useful interventions.

W2: Developing Your 2012 Intranet Plan
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Martin White, Managing Director, Intranet Focus Ltd, UK

In this highly interactive workshop you have the opportunity to create a plan for your intranet in 2012 using the wide range of tools, techniques and case studies that White has developed in more than a decade of global intranet consulting. There is particular focus on how to make a successful business case for investment in the year ahead. Creating your own personal agenda for the next year will help you make the most of KMWorld.

W3: Knowledge Strategy for Knowledge Managers
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Gordon Vala-Webb, CEO, Vala-Webb Consulting Inc.

Knowledge and strategy are two big and fuzzy words. When you put them together you seem to get exponential fuzziness. This highly interactive workshop helps you figure out what your “knowledge” means for your organization — and what your knowledge strategy ought to be. An award-winning KM practitioner with more than 10 year’s experience in understanding knowledge strategy in both public and private sector organizations, Gordon Vala-Webb provides a framework for understanding your organization’s knowledge needs and options for what your knowledge strategy ought to be. Participants take home a framework for their knowledge strategy, an understanding of the different options, and the beginnings of a draft strategy.

W4: Evaluating SharePoint for the Enterprise
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tony Byrne, Founder, Real Story Group

This half-day intensive and interactive workshop, led by an experienced analyst and industry watcher, begins with a critical evaluation detailing SharePoint’s strengths and weaknesses culled from customer experiences and hands-on testing. Through presentations and discussion, the workshop helps you figure out how, where, when, and why to use SharePoint and reviews how well SharePoint “fits” into different types and sizes of enterprises with different business objectives. The workshop offers candid, independent advice for both business and technology leaders. You can get SharePoint “training” nearly anywhere; join us for some real education to help you make strategic decisions about the platform.

W5: Sustainability: Critical Factors for Organizational Success
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dr. David Bennet, Co-Founder and Principal, Mountain Quest Institute
Dr. Alex Bennet, Co-Founder and Principal, Mountain Quest Institute

This workshop identifies and explores the major factors leading to organizational success in the present and future CUCA — Change, Uncertainty, Complexity and Anxiety — environment. CUCA represents the challenge for all organizations to sustain efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability. This informal and interactive workshop combines brief presentations based on research and writings, including recent findings in neuroscience related to knowledge and learning, coupled with dialogue among participants and small group exercises — learning through action. It considers factors that lead to success and sustainability, including vision, knowledge management, culture, leadership, empowerment, and change management. Participants build an understanding of what makes their organization successful in terms of sustainability, and the leadership needed to successfully guide them into the future.

W6: Applying the Social Business Road Map to Your Organization
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Jesse Wilkins, Director, Systems of Engagement, AIIM

The key to driving greater business dexterity and responsiveness is driving greater productivity and decision speed among the middle tier of knowledge workers in organizations. The industry association AIIM gathered executives from leading technology providers with noted author and futurist Geoffrey Moore (Crossing the Chasm) to identify a social business road map for the future. This workshop reviews relevant social technologies then moves to indepth discussion of use cases and case studies. It describes how an organization can use the social business road map in the context of its particular operational objectives and regulatory environment, shares the eight steps in the road map, and explores how to apply them to your own organization, including a more detailed discussion of social media governance and how to ensure the organization implements social business processes responsibly.

W7: Enterprise Content Management (ECM) With SharePoint
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Errin O'Connor, Founder & Chief SharePoint Architect, EPC Group

This workshop covers in granular detail the full life cycle of four large-scale Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 ECM Initiatives. Errin O’Connor covers records management, e-discovery, records holds, and reverse engineering the organization’s retention schedules to develop a best practices set of content types. The workshop emphasizes the interaction with the organization’s records managers and the destructions workflows and/or workflows that were developed regarding the deletion of documents to meet not only the organization’s state and federal records retention requirements but also the Department of Defense Standards.

W8: Organizational Network Analysis & Tools
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Patti Anklam, Principal Consultant Net Work & Author, NetWork, Net Work

Gartner has predicted that by 2015, 25% of organizations will “routinely utilize social network analysis to improve performance and productivity.” Knowledge flows along established paths within organizations. To change or improve knowledge flow, it’s important to understand those current paths, which are often outside the formal organization structure. Social network analysis (SNA), along with its organizational counterpart organizational network analysis (ONA), provides a methodology to map these pathways to gain insights into how the organization really works. The methodology includes sensitivity to collecting data about people using different means, including surveys, using software to manage and analyze the data to create visual maps and detailed metrics. Metrics can provide information about the overall cohesiveness of the network as well as metrics about the roles that individuals play in the network, highlighting those who are in the best position to move around knowledge and ideas. This workshop covers the basic steps and tools used in the methodology with a hands-on case study. Bring your laptop and learn to download (free) tools. If your organization is not already using network analysis, or if you would like to understand more about this tool that has been helping knowledge managers for almost 10 years, then you should attend this highly interactive workshop.

W9: Designing Intranets That Work
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Rebecca Rodgers, Principal Consultant Digital Workplace & Community Manager, Step Two

Almost every organization has an intranet, but many suffer from a litany of complaints from staff that they can’t find what they need. To be valuable, intranets must have effective navigation and design that support common staff tasks. To achieve this, teams should take a “user-centered” approach to intranet design and redesign projects. Drawing on the best-selling book Designing Intranets: Creating Sites That Work, this workshop provides a practical toolkit of techniques and approaches. Via pragmatic discussions, handson activities and plenty of intranet screenshots, this workshop equips you to deliver an intranet that really works for staff. Key topics covered include design methodology that delivers a simple, usable intranet; exploration of key techniques, such as card sorting, tree testing and usability testing; intranet homepage design; personalization and targeting; and more.

W10: Enterprise Search Technologies
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Miles Kehoe, Founder & President, New Idea Engineering

This workshop, by a vendor-neutral consultant who has hands-on experience with a broad range of “out of the box,” open source, commercial and homegrown solutions, provides an overview of the latest in the enterprise search technology landscape. It reviews technologies currently on the market, discusses pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses, and specific suitabilities. Miles Kehoe shares case studies that illuminate how search technologies are leveraged in different types o organizations and provides a good introduction to and understanding of the enterprise search world.

Afternoon Workshops
W11: Creating a KM Strategy
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Michael Cheveldave, VP, Business Development, The Cynefin Company

This workshop, by a KM pioneer and popular KMWorld speaker, focuses on how to build a successful KM strategy and revitalize knowledge sharing in your organization. Cheveldave takes participants through a step by step approach to rethinking the role of the KM function in an organization. It includes creating a decision/information flow map to understand the natural flows of knowledge; defining micro-projects that directly link to the decision support needs of senior executives; mapping the current flow paths for knowledge within the organization; and finding natural ways to manage the knowledge of the aging workforce as well as the IT enabled apprenticeship. Using real world examples, Cheveldave shares winning strategies and insights to rejuvenate your knowledge sharing practices.

W12: Performance Workspace: Connecting People to What’s Relevant
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thomas Hoglund, Global Lead, Collaboration & Knowledge Management, Accenture Interactive
Thomas Hsu, Social Collaboration Strategist, Accenture

Your company has a huge wealth of knowledge and expertise available across the enterprise, but you find this difficult to navigate and have little time to make sense of it all. Somewhere out there is what you're looking for, but it's like finding a needle in a haystack. You don't have much time, so instead you call someone you know, hoping he or she can point you in the right direction. Sound familiar? Now imagine a role-based workspace that finds the needles for you. It knows what you're working on and what you're interested in and suggests to you the most relevant information. It connects you to the right experts and to similar people doing similar work. It brings together all the tools and information you need to do your job effectively in one location. This workshop reviews a proven approach to designing and implementing role-based workspaces, as well as driving behavioral changes to improve productivity. It shares examples from several companies, the effort it took, the benefits that were achieved and the lessons learned so that you can apply this approach in your organization.

W13: Benchmark Your Search Implementation
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Martin White, Managing Director, Intranet Focus Ltd, UK

Come to this session and benchmark your search application, learning from others about how they are trying to achieve best practice. Use the Search Performance Benchmark that Martin White has developed to help organizations judge the extent to which they are getting the best from their search application and where to prioritize future investment. In addition to in-depth discussions on key enterprise search issues, take away your own personal benchmark document to use as the basis for setting targets for 2012.

W14: Change Management for Knowledge Managers
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Gordon Vala-Webb, CEO, Vala-Webb Consulting Inc.

Is your organization held back by employee or middle-management resistance, poor executive sponsorship, or corporate inertia and politics? These are the biggest obstacles to successful change in any organization. And knowledge management (KM) is all about change. This highly interactive workshop is aimed at people just about to start leading or working on a KM project who want to ensure the success of their project by overcoming these change killers. An award-winning KM practitioner with more than 10 years’ experience in making change happen, Gordon Vala-Webb provides tools and templates and shares his strategies and techniques. Participants will leave the workshop with a much clearer understanding of how to communicate their project, a map of their own key stakeholders, a set of specific next steps to take, and usable tips/hints.

W15: An Insider’s Guide to Selecting Content Technologies
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Jarrod Gingras, Managing Director & Analyst, Real Story Group

Content management and related technologies now boast a dizzying array of functionality, from traditional document management and capture to Web 2.0 services. Meanwhile, the vendor community has seen a similar expansion. So how should you pick a system that represents the right fit for your particular needs? The workshop answers key questions: How should you distinguish among ECM, WCM, Portals, Collaboration, and related tools? How do Cloud and SaaS alternatives change the game? What should you expect to pay for these tools? What are the critical, can’t-ignore architectural distinctions you need to make? How mature are the vendors? How can you ensure that your selection process meets your original business objectives? Which should you pick first: consultancy, integrator, vendor, or ...? What are some major pitfalls others have made that you can readily avoid? How are these marketplaces likely to evolve in the coming years, and how can you best align your firm to take advantage of future innovation? This fast-paced session is designed to give you a baseline of knowledge and best practices to make the right technology decisions.

W16: Intranet Governance: Frameworks for Socially Driven Digital Workspaces
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Jane McConnell, Digital Workplace Strategic Advisor, NetStrategy/JMC

The old “do and don’t” rules are no longer workable in today’s digital workplace. When the traditional intranet and social computing come together inside the enterprise, it is a whole new ball game. Although some of the old principles still hold true, the new social dimension requires new ways of thinking. There are new stakeholders to take into account. People have new expectations. Steering this constantly evolving environment over the next few years requires a rethink of fundamental principles. Flexibility and enablement need to be balanced with organizational goals and accountability. Communicators, IT managers, and HR practitioners are moving into leadership roles — leading rather than managing. Letting go is easy if you have the right framework and governance mechanisms in place. Participants will leave this workshop with models, examples and decision-making tools to enable them to make the right decisions for their organizations and establish meaningful frameworks and workable mechanisms that empower people and drive business.

W17: Using Social Elements to Optimize Your Intranet
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thomas Vander Wal, Sr. Consultant

Many organizations have been adding social components to their intranet, but finding a use is not what they are expecting until they start modifying them to account for their employees’ uncertainties around use and value. This workshop looks at not only the simple understandings but lays out many social elements that can help you understand how to think through the needs and solutions for a social intranet. As well, it addresses what should be examined and how to consider the options based on your organization’s needs and environment.

W18: From Power User to World-Class SharePoint Administrator in 75 Minutes or Less!
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Chris McNulty, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft

If you’re a SharePoint power user who needs to take over a SharePoint farm, this session is for you. It provides a rapid, content-rich introduction to architecture, installation, upgrade, administration, troubleshooting, and optimization. Based on more than 10 years in the field designing and supporting enterprise SharePoint installations, Christopher McNulty goes through a live upgrade, sets up search and security, troubleshoots a slow SQL server and a “bad” web part, and more! It includes the seven best and seven worst practices for running an enterprise SharePoint farm and highlights the most common end user support requests and resolutions.

W19: Platform & Programs in International NGOs
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Steve Barth, Assistant Professor/Chair, Business & Entrepreneurship, Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Engineering and the Business of Innovation, University of Southern California Reflected Knowledge Consulting
Tom Moroz, Director, Special Projects, Open Society Institute

Large international NGOs face extra challenges in knowledge management and organizational learning. They pursue important, urgent, but elusive goals such as changing strategic national policies; maintaining peace and security in conflict zones; alleviating poverty, hunger, and disease; or building sustainable economic and political structures in transitional societies. NGOs often operate in harsh or hostile environments and with constrained resources, adhoc multicultural teams, and complex interdependencies between actors and agencies. The largest of these achieve economies of scale by operating globally in diverse locations. Above all, NGOs need to demonstrate results based on intangible outcomes. This workshop distills lessons learned implementing programs in several organizations and builds on the insights generated by previous KMWorld discussions. NGOs are invited to share their experiences and collaborate on shared sense-making and knowledge creation about effective knowledge and learning strategies optimized for their activities. Topics covered include aligning KM programs to other management priorities, effective platforms for dispersed offices in developing countries, and leveraging informal networks within and beyond boundaries.

W20: Creating & Applying a Semantic Infrastructure Platform for Knowledge Sharing
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Tom Reamy, Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder, KAPS Group Author, Deep Text

While the distinction between information and knowledge has often been misused, there is an essential truth that knowledge is richer and deeper than simple information. In the early days of KM, there were numerous attempts to utilize information technologies and approaches (search, taxonomies, etc.) for knowledge sharing, and the results were not pretty. However, today, with a rich array of text analytics and knowledge platform software, we are in a position to support real knowledge creation and sharing, but only if we approach it with the right foundation. That foundation is based on a concept of a semantic infrastructure, an infrastructure needed to support all the ways in which people in organizations use language and meaning. This workshop explores the essential characteristics of creating, refining, and applying a semantic infrastructure for rich knowledge sharing. It starts with how to do a knowledge audit designed to create a platform for knowledge networks that provides the means for enhanced communication within and among self-defined social groups. It then looks at a range of text analytics tools including text mining, auto-categorization, entity and fact extraction, summarization, sentiment analysis, and how these tools can now go beyond mere information applications to form the basis of a range of knowledge-sharing apps.

Welcome Reception
12:00 a.m. - 11:59 p.m.
Welcome Reception
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Join us for drinks and hors d'oeuvres in a relaxed atmosphere as we kick off the start of this year's event. Open to all conference attendees, speakers, and sponsors.

Program Table of Contents

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