Tuesday, November 4, 2014
W1: KM 101
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Stan Garfield,
Author of six KM books & Founder,
SIKM Leaders Community
Are you new to knowledge management? Want to learn about all the possibilities for making your organization smarter, more collaborative, innovative, and productive? Join our expert knowledge manager to gain insights and ideas for building a robust KM program in your organization—even if it is called another name! This workshop highlights a range of potential enterprise KM activities being used in real organizations and shares how these activities are impacting the bottom line. It shows real KM practices and discusses various tools and techniques to give those new to KM a vision of what is possible in the enterprise.
W2: SharePoint Strategy & Road Map
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Learn from an expert with more than 60 successful SharePoint implementations in many sectors how to translate ideas into actions, principles and decisions that will drive your implementation forward and keep it focused on what the business values. The workshop allows you to start building your strategy and road map for using SharePoint—be it from scratch or reining in an out-of-control implementation. It discusses making the business case and budgets, approaches to implementation, infrastructure and systems architecture, information architecture, governance and autonomy, and change management and shares many real-world examples and practices.
W3: Improving Knowledge Flows: Using Lenses to See Needs in Systems of Engagement
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Organizations have been shifting how work is done, moving from working in documents and email to collaboration/social/systems of engagement platforms that are part of their digital transformation. This shift not only improves efficiency in work but improves knowledge capture for reuse. Organizations have many options and variations, and making sense of them without a guide is challenging. This workshop provides a tool, the foundational social lenses, to see the problems and issues better in order to understand an organization’s needs as well as to see the paths forward far more clearly. Those who have gone through this workshop have stated they wish they had this understand- ing and ability to see their needs and way forward many years back. Vendors have found value in these lenses to better understand gaps and areas that could use improvement with clarity to better design and develop solutions. Join this workshop and grab a wonderful tool to find the way forward and improve knowledge flows.
W4: Knowledge Manager’s Toolkit
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Stephanie A Barnes,
Chief Chaos Organizer,
Entelechy Author, Designing a Successful KM Strategy: A Guide for the Knowledge Management Professional
Knowledge management has to be seen within the context of business strategy and business need. It is not an end itself, but a tool to deliver better business performance, and this view is crucial to developing and crafting an effective KM strategy. This half-day workshop, based on a recently published book, covers creating a strategy to give direction to a KM program, recognizing business drivers, clarifying strategic knowledge areas for the organization, finding and defining key stakeholders who need to be involved. Barnes discusses the KM framework for successful programs including dealing with information and content, the need for change management, a business case, and beginning with pilot projects.
W5: Understanding SharePoint 2013 Search—Architecture & Capabilities
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Jeff Fried,
Director, Platform Strategy & Innovation,
This workshop focuses on the search capabilities of SharePoint 2013 and how to match them to a variety of search needs and strategies. Attendees get deep-dive information about the architecture, search capabilities, and tools—including content capture and enrichment, ranking models and relevancy, query rules, result templates, and management tools. Fried illustrates these capabilities with real case studies and examples. Learn what’s possible, what’s easy, and what to watch out for with SharePoint 2013 search. Take home knowledge of what this new search technology is, what you can do with it, what its limitations are, and how to overcome them, as well as a set of resources you can apply as you get deeper. Understand common patterns connecting business and information strategy and how to relate them to search scenarios, search capabilities, and search-driven applications that can be fielded successfully and economically. Gain an understanding of how to apply SharePoint 2013 search capabilities successfully and how to con- struct search-driven applications with this platform, as well as what pitfalls to avoid. Get a peek forward into where SharePoint search is going and how to be in a good position as it continues to evolve.
W6: Practical Intranet Navigation & Design
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Rebecca Rodgers,
Principal Consultant Digital Workplace & Community Manager,
Step Two
Above all things, intranets must be easy to use for staff. Navigation must be clear and unambiguous, so staff can quickly find what they need. The design and layout of key pages, particularly the intranet homepage, must be carefully considered. This workshop provides a step-by-step practical methodology that offers practical techniques that can be done by all teams. This thoroughly practical workshop covers understanding staff needs, determining your intranet “brand,” best-practice intranet design methodology, key design principles, top tips for designing for mobile, creating and testing new intranet navigation, and working out what goes on the intranet homepage. It pro- vides screenshots and examples from many different intranets and includes a hands-on chance to try the techniques, with plenty of time for answering common questions. Join this workshop and walk away with the knowledge needed to design and structure an intranet that really will work for staff.
W7: Text Analytics
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tom Reamy,
Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder,
KAPS Group Author, Deep Text
Text analytics is a platform technology having a profound impact on everything from taxonomy development and application to enterprise search and search-based applications and KM initiatives such as expertise location and social media-based collaborative communities. However, to get the maximum value from text analytics requires a broad, enterprise-wide perspective and approach. This workshop covers all you need to know to build a text analytics foundation for a complete range of applications: the basic analytic techniques from machine learning to sophisticated rule building; a survey of the vendor space of text analytics, including new social media companies; an evaluation process of the right text analytics software for your organization; an iterative development process and how to overcome issues; types of applications that can be built with text analytics; and many case studies of the most exciting new applications of text analytics.
W8: Revealing Your Knowledge Strategy
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Jacob McNulty,
Director, Social Business Management,
Peppers & Rogers Group, a TeleTech Company
Lamont Exeter,
Executive Director, Culture & Workforce 2.0,
Peppers & Rogers Group, a TeleTech Company
Value drivers in the knowledge economy are largely invisible—knowledge, ideas, reputation, trust, and culture. Success in the knowledge economy requires us to “make the invisible visible.” Various tools and techniques exist to achieve this for the purposes of creating and sustaining communities of practice and knowledge communities, organizing for ideation and innovation, and hosting vibrant customer communities. Identifying the knowledge brokers within an organization or within a network of customers is critical to furthering the collaboration among the entire group. Visualizing how knowledge flows reveals strategies for enhancing knowledge transfer as well as the most likely source of ideas for innovation. Only then can the configuration of the appropriate social or collaboration tools occur. A social network analysis (SNA) is one example of an easily administered tool that produces a very powerful output—a visual map of the social fabric of a group. This can be a group of customers, employees, or partners and the maps are used to determine how to structure innovation sessions and programs, how to enable knowledge transfer and collaboration, and how to encourage additional interaction among customers or partners. This workshop discusses SNA and other methods for determining strategies for success in an economy where knowledge, ideas, and all things invisible are what will provide the competitive advantage of the future.
W9: Flexible & Agile Workstyles & Processes for the 21st Century Organization
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
The Future is already here and evenly distributed among the global members of the Change Agents Worldwide (CAWW) network. This half day workshop shares their secrets: how they work, their values, how they adopt/adapt/ exapt new ways of working with their global team. A team of Change Agents discuss leading organizational concepts such as: new models for organizational design, the power of self-organization, social and organizational network analysis, and more. They’ll talk about the cornerstone of what makes their networked organization work: transparency, trust, authenticity, and a culture of sharing and cooperation. The CAWW network exemplifies how social and operational integration yields iterative improvements in responding to customers, working collaboratively with partners, and creating value in the marketplace. The workshop also talks about what supports their work: SWARMS, Pods, Cookie Jars, Green Rooms, and other new processes based on agile and self-organizing principles.
W10: New Ways of Working: Culture Change
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Lucy Braun,
Internal Communication Manager,
UNICEF Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division
Ernst Decsey,
Communication Specialist (Digital Workplace), Private Fundraising and Partnerships,
Are resistance to change and strong hierarchies the reality in your organization? Are new ways of working obvious to you but difficult to get into your colleagues’ minds and everyday habits? Are you still in early stages of an Enterprise Social journey and looking for inspiration for how to convince people to join you for the ride? In this interactive workshop, our two enthusiastic practitioners from the non-profit world talk about the steps you can take to plant seeds of change, the passion and effort it takes to create the best environment for these seeds to grow and the bottlenecks and push-backs along the way that you need to address. Take away a bouquet of playful yet highly practical ideas for how to make a compelling case to users and executives alike and find out why asking them to play with Lego blocks can be a very good approach when talking about Enterprise Social and the future Digital Workplace.
W11: Leading Organizational Change for KM Adoption
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Steve Barth,
Assistant Professor/Chair, Business & Entrepreneurship, Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Engineering and the Business of Innovation,
University of Southern California Reflected Knowledge Consulting
Jowilla C Rabor,
Sr. Manager, Organization Effectiveness,
Hitachi Consulting
KM only matters if knowledge is shared in ways that build organizational value. “If you build it they will come” is a poor mantra for KM programs. Too many initiatives struggle because they focus on technical implementation but neglect the realities of organizational behaviors and beliefs. This is true of almost any enterprise program, such as ERP, but KM is especially susceptible because knowledge sharing can only be voluntary. In this practical, interactive workshop:
- See why proactive “change management” makes such a difference in user adoption and ROI.
- Learn the basic components of any change management program.
- Practice how to assess and address challenges and opportunities in your organization.
- Engage in a forward-looking discussion about the latest thinking in organizational change.
W12: Creating a KM Strategy
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dave Snowden,
Founder & Chief Scientist,
The Cynefin Company
This workshop, by a KM pioneer and popular KMWorld speaker, focuses on how to build a successful KM strategy and revitalize knowledge sharing within your organization. Dave Snowden, our engaging workshop leader, takes participants through a step-by-step approach to rethinking the role of the KM function within an organization. It includes creating a decision/information flow map to understand the natural flows of knowledge; defining micro-projects that directly link to the decision support needs of senior executives; mapping the current flow paths for knowledge within the organization; and finding natural ways to manage the knowledge of the aging workforce as well as the IT-enabled apprenticeship. Using real-world examples, Snowden shares winning strategies and insights to rejuvenate your knowledge-sharing practices.
W13: Guide to Selecting the Right Digital Workplace Technologies
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
This fast-paced workshop shares customer research from the noted analyst firm Real Story Group on significant digital workplace technology and provides a framework for buyers to assess technology choices based on their particular needs. Specifically, it provides a methodology for mapping business needs to technology alternatives, as well as a road map for evaluating technology vendors. It clarifies architectural choices in an increasingly confusing marketplace where standards remain more promise than reality. Gingras and Byrne address the practicalities that enterprises face when tackling the issue of developing and managing a social workplace. They share what analysts are hearing from customers, what is working, what is not and what the prognosis is for technology buyers who are under pressure.
W14: Sparking Innovation: Creative KM
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Stephanie A Barnes,
Chief Chaos Organizer,
Entelechy Author, Designing a Successful KM Strategy: A Guide for the Knowledge Management Professional
Innovation is one of the desired outcomes of knowledge management, but it can be elusive. KM activities such as collaboration, sharing knowledge and expertise, metadata, and taxonomy, can all be illustrated through creative activities, which in turn inspire employee engagement and innovation. The purpose of infusing creativity in KM is to enhance innovation, productivity, collaboration, employee engagement, thought leadership, and a sense of community, among other benefits. Learn how creativity, innovation, and KM intersect by being introduced to the ideas and concepts of creativity and seeing illustrations of how these areas enhance and inspire innovation and employee engagement. This is a hands-on, interactive workshop, so come prepared to engage in an experience that takes you outside the usual knowledge management box to discover the benefits of creative KM.
W15: Applying SharePoint 2013 Search— Successful Projects & Practices
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Microsoft made a huge step forward in integrating search into the SharePoint platform, and, for many, SharePoint 2013 will be one of the best platforms available for enterprise search. But successful enterprise search projects need more than technology; they need effective approaches and practices. SharePoint 2013 provides enormous flexibility for tailoring—making it important to understand where the fuzzy boundary between configuration and customisation lies in real-world projects and important to judge what to change and what to leave alone. Search projects can go poorly or can go very well. This workshop offers patterns, practices, and guidance to ensure success. Bring your challenges. Questions addressed in this interactive, scenario-driven, workshop include the following:
- What are good practices and approaches to take in a search project? What tends to trip up these projects?
- What are the common customization patterns for SharePoint 2013? When is out of the box sufficient, and where do projects need to configure, extend, and add on?
- If you are already using FS4SP, or are thinking about a migration to SharePoint 2013, how should you approach it? If you are using another search engine, what should you consider?
- What kind of skills, training, and resources are needed for a successful project and ongoing maintenance?
- How should search be successfully operated and grown once in production? What could be a long-term strategy to make the most out of your search investments?
W16: Enterprise Social Networking: Business Case, Adoption, & Engagement
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Social and collaborative technologies are key to empowering employees to transform the way they work, interact, and engage, enabling companies to catalyzing product and service innovation and deepening customer insight and relationships—in essence redesigning the way business is done. At the same time, an enterprise social network is inherently “human,” allowing people to be people by facilitating with technology the informal social connections that already thrive. Implementing an enterprise social network can also mean rethinking workplace practices and a need for new governance models, leadership skills, and transforming the way we communicate. No matter where you are on the path of integrating “social” into your organization, this workshop helps you understand the key elements of an enterprise social networking initiative, from business case development to ROI and value-measurement principles to cultural and organizational readiness, through use case development, leadership skills and engagement, social network analysis, governance strategies, and adoption planning and ongoing engagement. Get a comprehensive view of key planning elements and useful tools that have worked for organizations big and small since 2009. Targeted toward executive sponsors of social initiatives, community managers, and technical leaders of social product portfolios, this interactive workshop gives you the key elements to develop or improve your enterprise social networking initiative.
W17: Social Network Analysis Methods and Tools
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Patti Anklam,
Principal Consultant Net Work & Author, NetWork,
Net Work
Knowledge flows along established paths in organizations. To change or improve knowledge flow, it’s important to understand those current paths—which are often outside the formal organization structure. Social network analysis (SNA) and its organizational counterpart organizational network analysis (ONA) provides a methodology to map these pathways to gain insights into how the organization really works. The methodology includes sensitivity to collecting data about people using different means, including surveys, and using software to manage and analyze the data to create visual maps and detailed metrics. Metrics can provide information about the overall cohesiveness of the network as well as the roles that individuals play in the network, highlighting those who are in the best position to move knowledge and ideas around. The workshop covers the basic steps and tools used in the methodology with a hands-on case study. Bring your laptop to take advantage of free tools. Gartner has predicted that by 2015, 25% of organizations will “routinely utilize social network analysis to improve performance and productivity.” If your organization is not already using network analysis, or if you would like to understand more about this tool that has been helping knowledge managers for almost 10 years, you will want to attend this highly interactive workshop.
W18: Conducting Knowledge Audits
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Patrick Lambe,
Principal Consultant,
Straits Knowledge Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing
This workshop by a longtime KM practitioner provides a step-by-step technique for conducting a knowledge audit to assess KM needs and opportunities in any organization. It helps you understand the different forms of organizational knowledge and their matching strategies, provides the keys to building and analyzing activity-based knowledge maps, and gives you the confidence to develop recommendations for operational KM interventions based on knowledge maps.
W19: Building a Mentoring Program for Knowledge Transfer
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dr. Art Murray,
Applied Knowledge Sciences, Inc. Director, Enterprise of the Future Program, International Institute for Knowledge and Innovation
The great retirement wave has finally arrived. Large numbers of employees with 30 or more years of experience are leaving the workforce, taking their knowledge with them. This is happening at a time when budgets are tight, demographics are shifting, and the speed of change in the marketplace is accelerating. In many organizations, mentoring is catching on as a means of transferring knowledge from one generation to the next, but often with disappointing results. This workshop focuses on how to develop and implement a structured mentoring program aimed at guiding mentors and mentees through a structured, agile-based process that makes the best use of everyone’s time, ensuring the whole process accommodates personal satisfaction and growth for both mentors and mentees. It includes the do’s and don’ts of setting up and running a successful mentoring program; problems that are most likely to arise and how to resolve them; which knowledge transfer methods work best in what situations; the difference between mentoring, training, and coaching and how they can work together; best practices for matching mentors and mentees; how to help a mentee make the transition to mentor; and how to evaluate your mentoring program and what to do when it’s not working.
W20: From Traditional Hierarchy to Networked ‘Wirearchy’
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
It’s becoming clearer to every organization and every leader that the interconnected network environment is here to stay. So how do we take advantage of it as effectively as possible? Adapting in productive and constructive ways means undertaking substantial change to organizational structures, leadership, and management challenges and dynamics, and the basics of work design. The dynamics of traditional hierarchy are increasingly finding the limits of effectiveness, as responses, decision-making and adaptive efforts are not rapid enough. Organizations struggle with work design and culture change efforts as the networked workplace becomes more and more rapid and complex. One of the ways that is quickly emerging as effective, people-centered and, in many senses, self-organizing and self-managed, has been termed “working out loud.” As organizations navigate the shift from traditional hierarchies to more agile and responsive ‘wirearchies,’ narrating and showing our work to each other opens up important opportunities and lessons for changing an organization’s culture and helping it navigate this shift. Hear how to create a “working out loud” style for your organization, get tips for its effective use, and build shared and generative knowledge, an increasingly valuable strategic advantage for thriving in ecosystems of connected information.
Program Table of Contents
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