
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
WELCOME & KEYNOTE: Enterprise Knowledge, Work, & Customer Value
8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Dion Hinchcliffe, VP & Principal Analyst, Constellation Research, USA

Dion HinchcliffeThe way we work and share knowledge today is undergoing one of the largest shifts in history. How will we adapt our digital workplaces to this future? How can we help our organizations tap into the vast new global knowledge flows that impact our customers? How do we increase customer value in our organizations? Forrester says that companies are at long last making digital transformation a top priority, with 74% of executives saying that they currently have a strategy to get there, but only 10% say they are truly prepared. Hinchcliffe discusses ways that companies are adapting to digital business and suggests how successful and sustainable next-generation enterprises can better harness today’s fast-flowing streams of digital innovation!

Keynote: The Intranet of Everywhere: Redefining KM in the Age of the Empowered Employee
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Diane Berry, Managing Principal, OutsideView Market Strategy

Diane BerryForrester Research reports that “29% of the global workforce (and rising) are anytime, anywhere information workers—those who use three or more devices, work from multiple locations, and use many apps.” We live in an era of the Intranet of Everywhere, and success is reserved for those who embrace it. During this high-impact talk, Berry shares proven strategies that empower success:

  • Letting workers use the tools and channels they prefer, while ensuring that the knowledge they create with those tools is well-organized and easily findable by colleagues
  • Gaining a unified, real-time view of all your company’s diverse knowledge streams and understanding the “who, what, when, where, and why” of each knowledge asset
  • Automatically identifying subject-matter experts based upon automated analysis of all your knowledge assets and systems
  • Unburdening teams from the never-ending task of manually tagging, cleansing, and deduping your enterprise data

Coffee Break
10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Track A - KM Strategies & Practices
Location: Constitution Ballroom - Level 3B
Moderator: Patti Anklam, Principal Consultant Net Work & Author, NetWork, Net Work

How can enterprise knowledge create customer value in our organizations? Hear from forward-looking KM practitioners and thought leaders who share key strategies and applications within organizations to improve decision-making, learning, innovation, customer satisfaction, success and/or stronger bottom lines.

A101: Knowledge Is the Business
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Katrina B Pugh, Lecturer & President, Columbia University & AlignConsulting

The new frontier for knowledge practitioners is just that—the frontier, the edge, the face of the organization. As Tom Stewart and Pugh have written, “Knowledge is the Business—In leading knowledge-driven businesses, knowledge is what customers buy. Whether that knowledge is built into a product (e.g. a ‘smart’ phone), sold as knowledge itself (e.g. research reports), or embodied in people (e.g. a legal counselor), the customer is aware of it, pays for it, and judges it in making a buying decision.” Knowledge-driven products are everywhere, and success rides on a mix of business acumen and knowledge-integration skills—an ability to see a market possibility and to drive knowledge into product. Pugh discusses results of studying knowledge-based innovation, looking for two things: What made it competitive? What skills and processes did knowledge leaders bring to bear? She shares insights for sustaining a competitive edge and common differentiators, such as reducing transactions and search costs; providing access to inaccessible data or people; educating the customer (e.g., on regulation, market patterns); integrating with customer workflow; decision making processes; and helping customers improve their social capital, assets and attractiveness.

A102: Building Shared Knowledge
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Major David Taylor, Mission Command Training Program Observer, Trainer, and Coach, Operations Group Delta, US Army
Christie Dowling, Knowledge Manager, MWH
Maura Horn, Global VP, Talent Development, MWH Global

This session looks at the roles and functions of leaders managing KM sections. The Army relies on KM to assist the staff and commander in developing more effective command and control processes for military organizations. KM is a key enabler in the Mission Command decision-making process. Using lessons learned from observations at four military exercises and input from KM officers serving in units in the Trained/Ready and Available/Deployed phases of the military deployment cycle and the Combat Training Centers (CTCs), Taylor shares insights and tips for building superior knowledge-sharing units. MWH Global, an engineering and construction firm focused on the wet infrastructure sector, is feeling the crunch of knowledge retention with one generation retiring and another prone to job hopping. Although communities of practice and global teams have been in place for more than 15 years, the traditional approaches to knowledge sharing were not making the impact needed to turn the tide against lost knowledge (13% voluntary turnover). Speakers share new strategies developed through the combined efforts of the KM and talent development teams focused on workforce planning, knowledge transfer, and talent development. They discuss the lessons learned in implementing roles for knowledge sharing, embedding knowledge sharing into everyday business practices, and identifying the critical roles and knowledge to target for transfer. Get lots of tips and a road map to identifying and combatting knowledge loss in their organizations.

ATTENDEE LUNCHEON & KEYNOTE: Winning the Customer Experience Arms Race
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise

As product differentiation diminishes in many markets, companies are increasingly investing in the customer experience as a competitive advantage. Winning organizations have decision-making processes and feedback mechanisms that enable them to experiment and respond quickly to their evolving market landscape. They have also taken action to make their full portfolio of product and customer information accessible to their customer-facing processes. Earley looks at which Fortune 1000 companies are winning the customer experience arms race and how they are doing it and provides ways to frame the needs and opportunities to senior leadership.

A103: New Thinking for Organization Transformation & Better KM
1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Mark Alarik, President, Sales Overlays, Inc. Ariel Host Professional Services
Richard McDermott, President, McDermott Consulting Henley Business School

Our speakers share tips, techniques and new types of thinking for organization transformation, improved knowledge sharing and collaboration. Alarik focuses on enterprise system thinking and continuous collaboration.  He illustrates with real world examples how systems thinking can build bridges between organization silos to align all units, projects, processes, and personnel with the company's true mission – to serve the customer better, and for the long term!  Based on brain research, Mc Dermott describes how seasoned experts and managers think and suggests how the field of KM can shift the way it shares knowledge to be more aligned with the way we think.  Creativity and effectiveness come from the thinking approaches we use and should be an integral part of the KM process.

A104: Knowledge Capture & Transfer at Kraft Foods
2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Jeni Wolf, Associate Principal Scientist, Knowledge Management Group, Kraft Foods
Jean-Francois Tendron, Director, Kadrant Ltd.

Learn about the KM practices used at Kraft Foods focusing on the MASK method for knowledge capture. MASK, or Method for Analyzing and Structuring Knowledge, was developed in France by Jean-Louis Ermine for the Center for Atomic Energy. It is based on the philosophy that a body of knowledge is always structured in six points of view represented by six unique models. The MASK methodology has been successfully used by Kraft to capture and transfer critical tacit knowledge. It is of value to anyone interested in capturing knowledge in a way that makes it easy to find, understand and use.

Coffee Break
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
A105: Gamification: Incentive for KM Engagement
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Allison Carroll, Associate, Digital Workforce Strategy, Booz Allen Hamilton
Barry Tanner, Senior Associate, Strategic Innovation Group, Booz Allen Hamilton
Benjamin van Rooy, Director, Business Strategy Execution, American Express

If you were to ask the average 8-year-old, “What was the most fun part of your day?” what do you expect the answer to be? Would it be learning multiplication tables or long division? Probably not. In similar fashion, the most interesting part of your employees’ day is likely to be their conversations at the water cooler about last night’s game or TV show. It won’t be logging into the internal knowledge management system to upload their latest project’s progress reports, delivering feedback on peer’s work, or logging their time at the end of the day. The Achilles heel of most KM initiatives is adoptiongetting end users to engage and participate in KM processes and systems. Carroll and Tanner look at injecting game mechanics into the KM process so users have an incentive to participate and also some fun! Van Rooy talks about using gamification to encourage knowledge sharing and reveals some out-of-the-box ideas to improve engagement at American Express. He shares new tools to increase collaboration.

A106: Knowledge: Transferring Across Generations
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Susan McCabe, Enterprise Collaboration Consultant, Unified Social Business, Unisys Corporation
Lesley Ann Shneier, Alumni Knowledge and Social Media Coordinator, World Bank Group 1818 Society

The prediction of Baby Boomers retiring in droves has been interrupted by recent economic changes. As Boomers delay retirement, the makeup of the modern workforce now crosses generations to include boomers, Gen X-ers, and Millenials working together. Hear how businesses can use this opportunity to enable the seamless transfer of information and knowledge across the ages. Our speakers share experiences from their organizations as well as lessons learned.

Enterprise Solutions Showcase Grand Opening Reception
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Track B - Digital Workspace
Location: Farragut/Lafayette - Level 5B
Moderator: Daniel Lee, Director, Enterprise Information Solutions, ARC Business Solutions Inc.

Work, and its future, is changing rapidly. With many working outside organizational walls, real-time communication and collaboration, tools and platforms as well as strategies are changing in the digital workplace/workspace. Hear how leading-edge organizations are meeting the challenges of a mobile and fast-changing world.

B101: Inside the Digital Workspace
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Rebecca Rodgers, Principal Consultant & Forum Community Manager, Step Two
Lou Zulli, Lakewood High School
Patrick DiDomenico, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart
Jase Wells, Web Applications Manager, Prophet

This informative session lets you peek behind the firewall of leading-edge intranets and digital workplaces from a number of different worldwide industries and includes award-winning sites from the 2014 Intranet Innovation Awards. These case studies of successful, active intranets provide ideas and insights to apply in your organisation.

B102: 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing Digital Workplace Technology
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Jarrod Gingras, Managing Director & Analyst, Real Story Group

Based on work with thousands of enterprises, Gingras shares the common mistakes that cause technology projects to go off the rails before they even start. He reviews the 10 most critical mistakes that enterprises make during the digital workplace technology selection process and introduces ways to navigate around them.

ATTENDEE LUNCHEON & KEYNOTE: Winning the Customer Experience Arms Race
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise

As product differentiation diminishes in many markets, companies are increasingly investing in the customer experience as a competitive advantage. Winning organizations have decision-making processes and feedback mechanisms that enable them to experiment and respond quickly to their evolving market landscape. They have also taken action to make their full portfolio of product and customer information accessible to their customer-facing processes. Earley looks at which Fortune 1000 companies are winning the customer experience arms race and how they are doing it and provides ways to frame the needs and opportunities to senior leadership.

B103: Digital Workplace at KCTCS
1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Gary Liu, Social Business Expert, Unified Social Business, Unisys Corporation
Matt Varney, Intranet Manager, KCTCS

Evolving to a premier digital workplace requires, beyond the technology, good change management practices, clearly defined and communicated goals and projects, and a shared understanding of everything involved. Hear how Unisys turned to social data analytics and social network analysis to optimize both the information flow among people, as well as connections with key subject matter experts. The result is improved dissemination of relevant topics to interested people and improved connectivity with and between the network of subject matter experts. The KCTCS story will sound familiar to KM and digital workplace professionals, as our speaker shares his organization’s practices (good and bad)/lessons learned, highlights milestones and pitfalls in its journey, discusses the challenges of changing market conditions and technology capabilities, and focuses on key strategies and tactics, particularly around search and communications. By creating an engaging search experience that people want to use and leveraging that desire to backfill conditions to further strengthen the solution (i.e. demonstrating the value of metadata), KCTCS is tying more and more systems and repositories together, and information is starting to coalesce around knowledge processes more organically and automatically. By broadening the conversation around the digital workplace, KCTCS is elevating the base understanding of how work happens successfully in the 21st-century digital economy.

B104: A Consolidated Mobile Enterprise
2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
David Lavenda, Vice President of Product Strategy, harmon.ie CMSwire, Fast Company

The average workday has become disjointed. While workers enjoy the “freedom” that comes from being able to do their jobs without being chained to their desks, it is not without its obstacles. There is certainly no shortage of mobile apps for employees, yet each app only does one thing well, and it is becoming clear that work information is spread out between too many apps. As employees rely more on mobile access, the elusive single-screen, unified mobile experience could be the answer to enterprise information discovery woes. Our speaker, a Fast Company columnist and enterprise technology expert, discusses ways to overcome the information overload challenge using contextual capabilities now provided by mobile devices, a consolidated user experience, and activity streams. Get tips on how to best create a mobile enterprise that empowers productivity while increasing employee satisfaction!

Coffee Break
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
B105: Delivering Great Mobile Solutions in the Enterprise
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Rebecca Rodgers, Principal Consultant & Forum Community Manager, Step Two

In organizations around the globe, staff are demanding the usability of in-home devices at the workplace. Mobile devices are transforming how we work, but there are still questions to answer to make them effective. This practical discussion provides real-world insight into how to design and deliver a mobile enterprise. It’s simpler and easier than you might think! See many screenshots and examples from leading organizations, and use the ideas gained to plan your own mobile projects.

B106: Connected Enterprises: Industry Insights
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
David Copps, CEO, Brainspace
Mike Vertal, President & CEO, Rivet Logic
Ryan Anderson, Product Marketing Manager, Atlassian

Hear from industry leaders about their insights on digital workspaces. Using real-world examples, Copps talks about the need for connectedness and why every business needs an intelligence layer to drive it toward becoming a connected enterprise. Vertal illustrates, using a case study, how its employee experience maturity model can be implemented and used by any organization to assess and optimize employee collaboration, engagement and productivity. Anderson shares Atlassian’s recipe for a knowledge sharing culture where everyone has a voice, information flows freely, and work gets done faster.

Enterprise Solutions Showcase Grand Opening Reception
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 a.m.
Track C - Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Location: Independence D/E - Level 5B
Moderator: Donna Scheeder, Consultant, Library Strategies International Past President, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

This track looks at the ECM landscape, the tools and practices for dealing with a large range of content types, how to do a content technology road map, and more.

C101: Beyond Traditional ECM: New Approaches
10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Cheryl McKinnon, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research

Content is an essential component for organizations developing an information-rich, data-driven strategy to serve customers or citizens. While compliance remains a key driver, organizations increasingly look to enterprise content management (ECM) to meet customer-focused requirements. Forward-thinking technology managers are putting more focus on using content to drive revenue and less on just operational cost reduction. Content is now viewed along with data as part of a bigger information ecosystem. Traditional ECM suites continue to be disrupted by SaaS and file synch and share platforms. Archive vendors are stepping up and competing more often with ECM vendors. ediscovery vendors are bringing analytics further upstream into the content life cycle. This session outlines the future of ECM and the key trends to consider when setting the groundwork for a new or modernized content strategy.

C102: Content Technology Roadmap
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Richard Medina, Co-Founder and Principal Consultant, Doculabs

This session explains how to manage and govern your organization’s new information management environment as it transforms from the older ECM systems and “systems of record” to its future state that incorporates the emerging “systems of engagement” technologies (mobile, social media, cloud). It provides a reference model to plan and manage your road map for the next 3 years, shows how to address the entailed records and governance issues, and recommends which kinds of applications, capabilities, and types of products to pursue.

ATTENDEE LUNCHEON & KEYNOTE: Winning the Customer Experience Arms Race
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise

As product differentiation diminishes in many markets, companies are increasingly investing in the customer experience as a competitive advantage. Winning organizations have decision-making processes and feedback mechanisms that enable them to experiment and respond quickly to their evolving market landscape. They have also taken action to make their full portfolio of product and customer information accessible to their customer-facing processes. Earley looks at which Fortune 1000 companies are winning the customer experience arms race and how they are doing it and provides ways to frame the needs and opportunities to senior leadership.

C103: Managing Content Across the Product Life Cycle
1:15 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Adam Duckworth, Associate Director, Knowledge Management, Merck Manufacturing Division, Merck
Douglas Arnold, Director, Pipeline and Knowledge Management, Merck

Merck Manufacturing Division (MMD) manufactures, packages and distributes Merck products to more than 140 markets. These facilities, along with external contractors, suppliers, and partners, make up an integrated, interdependent global manufacturing network that is committed to delivering compliant, reliable supplies to customers and patients on time, all the time, and every time. In addition to traditional products, MMD recognizes one of the most important “products” and key competitive advantages is knowledge. It is experience and expertise. It is rationale behind decisions. It is know-how and “know why.” It is what Merck knows about its products. This talk explores one component of the MMD knowledge architecture—the management of technical knowledge, which is the knowledge our scientists and technical teams generate and use to develop, commercialize, support, and improve its small molecule, biologic, and vaccine products. With a focus on people, process, and content and through deployment of an integrated technology platform, a comprehensive content management capability has been successfully deployed to improve findability of product content and expertise. Ontology, content stewardship, search, analytics, change management, and content processing are key innovative facets of the solution, which is tied to delivering business outcomes on an ongoing basis through a process of benefits realization management. Get lots of tips and ideas from our speakers!

C104: Enterprise Search for KM
2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Frank Minicucci, Senior Managing Consultant, GBS, IBM
Stacie M. Brenkovich, Social Learning Strategist, Accenture

In today’s era of Big Data unstructured information is the new oil. How you manage and mine this information can make the difference in providing real value to an organization. Minicucci demonstrates how to leverage content analytics to discover and clean up your Big Data and how to discover content such as PII (personally identifiable information). Once data is clean, the true knowledge value of integrating structured information such as CRM or MDM into the search engine can be seen by a true knowledge view of information. Our speaker uses real-world examples to illustrate the value of 360-degree views that bring together structured and unstructured information to show concepts such as sentiment analysis by integrating CRM, MDM, and multiple unstructured repositories. Our second speaker shares Accenture’s story on the improvements made to content findability for its management consulting practice. Within a year, management consulting saw a 30% increase in its people’s ability to find relevant content within the knowledge repository, the Knowledge Exchange. Hear about the content management program focused around four key pillars: getting best content in, reducing the noise, improving content access, and raising awareness.

Coffee Break
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
C105: Pushing the Envelope: From CMS to KCMS
3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Laurie Nelsen, Sr. Manager - Ontologist, Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic’s delivery of high-quality, affordable healthcare depends on integrating knowledge to promote innovation across patient care, research, and education. Providing the best current health information and services requires an agile and responsive content management ecosystem for creating and managing content as well as meeting the emerging needs for the delivery of “smart” content. The Clinic’s solution was to extend traditional CM technologies with a semantic services layer to support standards-based knowledge interoperability within and between organizations. Nelson shares the technical architecture and design choices made to build and deploy its Knowledge Content Management System (KCMS). KCMS’s solution to the problem of knowledge integration and flexible access is twofold: First, it utilizes the capabilities of the CMS to author, manage, and deliver the information. Secondly, it tightly integrates the CMS with a semantic services layer that provides the intelligence that enables users to find the right information, no matter who authored it or how it is stored.

C106: Using Tangible Interfaces for Predictive Knowledge Delivery
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Douglas Phair, Technology Evangelist, The MITRE Corporation
Lorin Petersen, Software Systems Engineer, The MITRE Corporation

Thanks to Google, today much of what enterprise users interact with is a standard search box on a web page. Though simple in design, there is an explicit action that needs to be taken by the user to discover information and knowledge. In an effort to better integrate the physical workspace with backend knowledge systems, MITRE explored how implicit actions through everyday interfaces could aid in delivering information and knowledge to that same enterprise user. For example, it looked at how content from e-whiteboarding collaboration sessions can be scraped and parsed to obtain the context of the session, then at how the context could be automatically fed to the search mechanism on behalf of the user. The results were then delivered without any explicit action on the user’s part. MITRE also explored allowing the user to embed tags in their e-whiteboard drawings to perform implicit actions such as “<#find me an expert >” or “<#email this to xyx>”. This session highlights lessons learned on the effectiveness of using tangible interfaces to deliver predictive knowledge to the enterprise user.

Enterprise Solutions Showcase Grand Opening Reception
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Program Table of Contents

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