
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Continental Breakfast
8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
KMWorld & Intranet Innovation Awards
8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

KMWorld magazine is proud to sponsor the KMWorld 2014 Reality & Promise Awards which are designed to celebrate the success stories of knowledge management.

The global Intranet Innovation Awards, run by Step Two Designs, uncover and share leading edge intranets. Focusing on individual enhancements that demonstrate business value, the Intranet Innovation Awards help every team deliver a better site.

KEYNOTE: Knowledge Sharing in the Networked World of the Internet of Things
9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Lee Rainie, Director, Imagining the Digital Future Center, Elon University former Director, Pew Research Center

On the 25th anniversary of the web, Pew has released new research on the Internet of Things: “Many experts say the rise of embedded and wearable computing will bring the next revolution in digital technology. They say the upsides are enhanced health, convenience, productivity, safety, and more useful information for people/organizations.” Lively and popular speaker Rainie shares the latest research from Pew about the internet and puts it into organizational context with the expanding Internet of Things! Filled with insights and ideas for enhancing knowledge sharing and productivity in organizations, this keynote is not to be missed.

KEYNOTE: “Working Out Loud” in Shell
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Ian Jones, Knowledge Management Manager, Shell Projects and Technology and Enterprise KM Lead

Ian JonesShell leadership’s main focus for its KM investment is on building value through the strength of its professional communities. We are doing this by following a business sponsored KM strategy which has professional communities at its center; a standardized solution incorporating tools, processes, and behaviors; and a disciplined program of building and implementing in key value-adding areas of the enterprise. This has allowed us to put the business at the center of our KM work, to make sure that our investment really adds value to our bottom line and is driving more of the enterprise to want to opt in. Through a unique company showcase we’ll bring the Shell Enterprise KM solution into the conference so you can share our journey so far.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Track A - Social KM
Location: Constitution A - Level 3B
Moderator: Janice Lachance, Independent Consultant, Special Libraries Association Interim President & CEO, Better Business Bureau Institute for Marketplace Trust

Social media tools are used within the enterprise and are having a positive impact on knowledge-sharing strategies. Hear about the use of Yammer and Jive, what readers of KMWorld magazine had to say in a Forrester study, and grab practical tools and techniques for adopting social media in your organization.

A201: KM Enterprise Adoption: How to Make It Stick!
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
V. Mary Abraham, Co-Founder, Above and Beyond KM
Jean Claude Monney, Digital Workplace & KM Advisor, The Monney Group, LLC
Stan Garfield, Author of six KM books & Founder, SIKM Leaders Community
Deirdre Walsh, Jive Software

Many companies are quick to adopt a KM transformation program but few have managed to make them stick. KM adoption experience is facilitated and discussed by three KM practitioners from Deloitte, Jive, and Microsoft. Tips and lessons learned are shared as practical take-away recommendations. Don’t miss this one!

A202: Creating a Strategy to Share Critical Insights More Broadly
12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Rob Koplowitz, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research

The infrastructure for this may already be in place in the form of advanced enterprise social business, and/or unified communications and collaboration investments. However, if yours is like many organizations, these investments may not be as highly adopted as planned. Based on research from a recent study with KMWorld magazine, Koplowitz shares strategies and tips for using those channels to deliver the customer’s voice to your employees in order to enrich their value.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
A203: Practical Social Media Tips
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Stan Garfield, Author of six KM books & Founder, SIKM Leaders Community

We are all familiar with social media, and most, if not all, of us use Facebook, LinkedIn, and/or Twitter. This interactive session includes a variety of tips shared by our seasoned KM practitioner such as using daily themes, Twitter chats, live tweeting, mentioning people, Twitter lists, integrating Twitter with LinkedIn and Google+, Facebook communities, using LinkedIn connections, Google+ Hangouts and Communities, Google Sites, Foursquare, Quora, SlideShare, SharePoint, Yammer, Pinterest, Storify, About.me, and Divshare. Attendees can participate by sharing their favorite tools and techniques. Grab lots of ideas for using social tools to engage your community and provide lots of tools for collaboration.

A204: Ensuring Success With Enterprise Social
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Susan S. Hanley, President, Susan Hanley LLC Intranet Consultant, Microsoft MVP

Many companies face significant barriers in achieving success and value with social business. Social has the potential to change the way work gets done—and the way knowledge gets transferred. But, to be successful, processes and organizational must be aligned to assure adoption. Hanley explores approaches to help your organization achieve meaningful results from your investment in social, including leading a social culture, measuring what matters, and engaging users to incorporate social in the flow of their work.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
A205: Using Social Media Platforms for KM Engagement
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sara Teitelman, Director of Knowledge Management, Pact
John Whalen, SVP of Knowledge Management and Innovation, Pact
Greg Nemeth, Director - Global Knowledge Platforms, EY Knowledge, EY

Hear how Pact, a D.C.-based international NGO with 1200-plus staff in 25 countries, found new and better ways of cultivating, harvesting, and monetizing innovations across the organization. Rather than an ad hoc approach, Pact built a virtual social innovation hub, called Innovation Marketplace, on the organization’s new intranet running on the Jive social business platform. Through online idea submission, open voting and commenting, and transparent idea review and development processes, all staff, regardless of location or position, can actively participate in the ideation process, generating real value for the organization and its program beneficiaries. Nemeth discusses how in its first 90 days, EY’s Yammer network became one of the three largest in the world and produced more than 800 examples of tangible business value. How did such a clear success happen so quickly? By putting strategy first and cultivating business value. The key elements needed for an actionable social collaboration strategy before launching Yammer or similar platforms are shared as well as an understanding of how to balance business opportunities and legitimate risk and practical tips to roll out Yammer and foster adoption.

Track B - Never Fail: Learn & Change
Location: Constitution B - Level 3B
Moderator: Dr. Madelyn Blair, President, Pelerei

Organizations where mistakes are rewarded as learning events have high innovation and are highly adaptable. Is yours? Does it make large investments in learning? Hear from our practitioners about how to create faster, more flexible learning organizations and also key strategies for bringing change to any enterprise.

B201: Capability Through KM
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Ilene Strongin-Garry, Manager: Knowledge Management & Sharing Culture Champion, InterContinental Hotels Group
Dr. Gene Shin, Senior Program Manager, Knowledge Management, Virginia Dept. of Transportation
Murni Shariff, Senior Manager, Knowledge Management & Institutional Capability, PETRONAS
M. Hamka Ibrahim, General Manager Technical Data, PMU, PETRONAS, PETRONAS

This session highlights three case studies of change management to enable capability and KM within different organizations. Our first speaker looks at KM over 15 years in one organization, IHG, from grassroots and marketing through to recent senior management support and exciting breakthroughs. Shin discusses how the KM program has worked with almost every aspect of VDOT’s business, from frontline staff to executive leadership, and from every geographic area. He shares the diverse, complex ways knowledge has developed institutionally over time to both create and obscure gaps in what people know. He talks about the 3DK methodology which provides a way to address that complexity, delineating KM from information management. For example, VDOT KM uses established business process management (BPM) methods to manage unintended consequences when local knowledge net- works are replaced by centralized information systems. Shariff shares insights and tips from her organization’s change management initiatives, BPM, and how technology is optimized to capture, package, and deliver knowledge content to stakeholders.

B202: Integrating Learning Development & KM
12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Dr. Susan Camarena, Chief Knowledge and Learning Officer, Federal Transit Administration
Turo Dexter, Knowledge Management Officer, US DOT / Federal Transit Administration

KM coordination may reside in any of several parts of an organization—for example, human resources, research, or IT. At the FTA, part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, KM is tightly integrated with the Learning and Development function in its own group within the Office of Administration, where FTA’s chief knowledge and learning officer is a peer with the director of HR and the director of IT. The powerful synergy of FTA’s integrated Learning, Development and KM strategy supports employees as learners—and also as teachers—from onboarding to exit, throughout every branch of the agency. This dynamic presentation illustrates FTA’s strategy development, describes the major program activities that support FTA as a learning organization, reviews the metrics used to evaluate program effectiveness, and offers a template and process to help participants identify key facets of knowledge related to each business function in their own organizations.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
B203: Innovative Learning Formats to Make Knowledge Stick
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Monika Weber-Fahr, Director Knowledge-Learning-Results, Sustainable Development, World Bank

The leader of a recent World Bank Group large-scale event for staff (250- plus sessions) discusses the weeklong event revolving around 10 innovative learning formats, bringing small groups together (with an aggregate total of 1,500 participants ), and aiming to make knowledge “stick.” The learning formats were thoroughly prepared beforehand as well as evaluated afterwards. Weber-Fahr provides insights into how these formats worked, the lessons learned, and how the event contributed to behavior change at an institution that is increasingly focused on the added value of its knowledge.

B204: Creating Learning Organizations: Commitment not Compliance
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Gloria Burke, Director, Knowledge Management & Field Communications, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Nabil Keith Durand, Organisational Learning Technical Specialist, Fortune Global 10 Multinational Company

KM is a wicked problem too complex for systems thinking to solve. The next revolution cannot be done to people because it is people: it is personal and will unleash the Learner. Burke discusses the development of Unisys as a learning organization highlighting their enterprise social business transformation as a key to maximizing value. She focuses on leadership and stake- holder alignment, employee engagement and use, metrics and measurements to ensure a successful implementation. Unisys has a cutting edge, industry recognized implementation with an employee adoption and use rate of more than 91% and has received a number of recent awards. Weaving studies from different sciences and research, Durand breaks down “building commitment” into digestible components, diving deep into the realm of metacognition and intrinsic motivation—what is really going on inside the mind, and how can it be influenced to learn. Hear about cognitive feedback mechanisms in expertise acquisition, the challenges in feedback learning horizons, the difficulties in unlearning, neuroplasticity, and why logical approaches to KM are limiting and difficult to sustain. Get techniques and practical approaches that have demonstrated lasting change in highly complex environments.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
B205: Change Strategies & Experiences
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Connie Crosby, Principal, Crosby Group Consulting
Yasmin Khan, Head Librarian, City of Toronto, Legal Services Department
Maria Virginia Rojas, Social Learning Catalyst, Accenture Interactive
Benjamin Duffy, AVP, Digital Learning & Knowledge Solutions, Learning & Development, Unum

This session looks at change in three organizations. First, hear how one public sector department is working toward moving to a knowledge-sharing culture through relationship building, expectation management, and collaboration. At Accenture, innovation is key to engage the community in new learning practices that generate provocative and opposing discussions. Rojas discusses the Learning Decathlon, a 10-event challenge designed to educate Accenture users on critical aspects of learning and, more importantly, to generate dialogue across Accenture organizations, encouraging creative thinking to challenge the status quo and bring differentiated points of view to clients to make informed decisions about their business. Discover how the Unum Benefits Center leverages SharePoint to enable performance, learning, and project success. Duffy talks about SharePoint workflows for managing and vetting new and updated content requests, business partner portals for quick access to project information, team metrics, and curated team knowledge; online communities of learners for each new hire class; learning calendar for managing class logistics and reporting metrics; enterprise-wide community sites to foster learning, communication, and curation of best practices; and use cases.

Track C - KM Tools
Location: Constitution E - Level 3B
Moderator: Laurence G Hart, Owner/Lead Analyst, Word of Pie, LLC

Traditional paradigms for how we create, manage, and interact with information and knowledge are continuing to be tested in a social, mobile, and cloud-enabled world. Technological innovation is laying the foundation for the development of new experiences in ways never before imagined. Hear from our practitioners about how they are using new tools to enhance information and knowledge flows in their organizations.

C201: Knowledge Sharing Tools: Industry Insights
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Mark Herman, Director, NA Presales, eGain
Joseph Hilger, COO, Enterprise Knowledge, LLC
James Kochan, President, Vitesse Solutions

Hear from industry leaders on their insights of current and emerging tools for enterprise knowledge sharing. Kochan shares the processes and technology used in global KM implementations by MAKE award winning organizations such as ConocoPhillips, Phillips 66, FMC Technologies, and Nalco Champion.

C202: Evolution of & Migration to SharePoint
12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Beth Pabich, Department Manager, MITRE Corporation
Elizabeth Turner, Manager, Cross Platform Solutions, Firm Services, TPG Global, LLC IFLA

Hear how several organizations’ use of SharePoint has evolved. Mitre started with a small pilot in 2003 and now has a robust set of several thousand intranet and extranet sites based on SharePoint 2010. It is used as a content management platform, a collaborative team platform (for projects, organizations and CoPs), for work process capture and scheduling, employee engagement, and blogging. It has become critical to MITRE’s business processes, resulting in an evolution of its capabilities over the years. Turner shares experiences and lessons learned in moving from an organization with grassroots content sharing (wiki, intranet, corporate stories) to a SharePoint-based organization with an intricate, heavily customized content management presentation. Speakers share their strategies and practices, providing lots of ideas and insights for others to take home and use!

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:45 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
C203: Taxonomies & Students = New People Profile System
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Anne Rogers, Director, Research & Knowledge Services, Cargill
Barbie E. Keiser, President, Barbie E. Keiser, Inc. NOVA Community College

Cargill recognized the expertise it had among its 140,000-plus employees worldwide and wanted a way to make everyone’s skills more widely known throughout the organization. Building a new people-profiling system that was easy for individuals to complete and update meant developing a taxonomy to underpin the effort. How could the organization create some degree of uniformity by putting a name to what people do and know without frustrating individuals who can’t find an adequate description or wind up with too many descriptions for similar expertise? Speakers describe the process taken by Cargill’s KM team, purchasing a commercial taxonomy and asking students enrolled in a KM class to assist in building out the taxonomy. This practical, how-to presentation looks at both the corporate side and the student/instructor perspective. The assignment allowed dual degree M.B.A.-M.S.I.S. students to see how that taxonomies are put into practice in organizations and have real consequences. A homework assignment to “find a taxonomy” became a multiweek project for teams of students who consulted existing taxonomies in key areas for Cargill, developing secondary and tertiary-levels for several top term hierarchies. Learn how Cargill is promoting the new People Profile system, encouraging employees to complete their profiles, grab lessons learned, and see how the system has developed.

C204: Twitter & Office Graph
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Zachary Baquet, Strategy & Learning Adviser, US Agency for International Development (USAID)
Maciej Chmielewski, Communications Specialist & Digital Media Producer, Insight Systems Corporation
David Pileggi, Senior Consultant, Earley & Associates

For the past year and a half, USAID Bureau for Food Security has experimented with #AskAg Twitter Chats to drive engagement and knowledge exchange inside and outside of its Agrilinks.org community. Part of Twitter’s value lies in its ability to foster global, multidirectional communications between users that can lead to real and meaningful knowledge exchange. The #AskAg Chats have moved from one-way, ask-the-expert type events to lively conversations in which participants share their experiences with the experts as well as each other. Speakers describe the process for implementing the chats and how it has changed, other products developed from the Twitter Chats, metrics used, and more. Pileggi discusses the recently introduced Office Graph that offers an innovative foundation for designing and delivering information rich experiences to users based on behavior and their relationships to both their peers and content. He explores how these contextually relevant experiences can be delivered through custom developed apps such as Oslo and how components of information architecture including taxonomy and metadata can be used to enrich these search-driven solutions.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
C205: Improving Communication & Search
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Dr. Madelyn Blair, President, Pelerei
Robert (Rob) Kocher, Web Content Administrator, The Vanguard Group
Narrative intelligence is a critical approach that helps an organization to strengthen its organizational vision, enhance communication, share organizational knowledge, externalize and internalize tacit knowledge, encourage innovation, build communities, and to develop effective social media strategies. Speakers share strategies, cases, and exercises on how using narrative intelligence through channels offered by social media and organizational communication can energize how the organization is communicating through digital channels. Kocher discusses how to leverage SharePoint to jump-start your KM by using the Enterprise Wiki site template to maximize the search engine.  Get tips for improving search from his experience!
Communities Of Interest
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Join your colleagues at the end of the day for an informal debriefing and meet with other attendees who have similar interests. Enjoy some great networking, stimulating discussions, and a chance to interact with some of the outstanding conference speakers and moderators. Open to all conference attendees.

Program Table of Contents

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