
Friday, November 7, 2014

Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
WELCOME & KEYNOTE: It’s a Process Jim, but Not as We Know It!
8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

The traditional triangle of people, process, and technology delivering value has become a cliche during the last 3 decades, but it remains relevant. The question, however, is which people, when, with what processes and technology? Snowden, creator of the Cynefin framework, looks beyond increasingly industrial models of design thinking to creating co-evolutionary processes between unarticulated user needs, technology capability, and system opportunities to create a biological model of emergent value. It includes reports on radical new work on workforce and customer engagement through the creation of human sensor networks to provide real-time decision support and a continuous flow of micro-innovation.

KEYNOTE: Achieving Successful Search
9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Kamran Khan, Managing Director, Accenture

Kamran KhanLarge enterprises and government agencies face many daunting challenges when trying to create successful search environments. Based on case study materials from recent search implementation projects in both the public and private sectors, this presentation discusses how to achieve success by developing agile, scalable, and future-proofed enterprise search platforms.

Coffee Break in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Track A - Knowledge Sharing in the Flow
Location: Constitution A - Level 3B
Moderator: Anne Rogers, Director, Research & Knowledge Services, Cargill

This track begins by looking at how to assess your KM program and then focuses on a number of organizations which are sharing knowledge with social media and communities, extranets, and experts.

A301: Assessing an Organization’s KM Program
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Mike Hower, Chief Learning Officer, Strategic Knowledge Solutions

Traditional organizational assessments analyze the basic well-being of an organization but don’t often have the ability to adapt and focus on one of the most critical pieces of organizational survival and advancement—knowledge. Baxter looks at how the people, processes, technology, and culture integrate as methods of informal learning and using the trends and best practices found across more than 20 organizations, including the United Nations Development Programme and the U.S. Army, Baxter discusses how to help improve formal and informal learning and knowledge transfer in any organization.

A302: Delivering Global Business Value
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Louis-Pierre Guillaume, Knowledge Management Officer, Schneider Electric CoP-1
Jean Claude Monney, Digital Workplace & KM Advisor, The Monney Group, LLC

“If Schneider knew what Schneider knows” is the vision of our 3-year KM&C program, Communities for our Collective Intelligence. Our first speaker focuses on the business value highlighted by the members of the 100-plus communities of practice, their sponsors, and the engagement of the leaders of this France-based multinational corporation. He discusses the results of the 2013 and 2014 surveys on 15,000 community members, one focused on employee engagement, the other one focused on the perceived value, represented by the election of the coveted Active Community Labels. At Microsoft Services, Knowledge is the business, it’s what they sell. KM analytics is a key service of the 9-year old KM Initiative that allows executives, KM practitioners and people managers to drive a knowledge culture. Monney shares real life ex- amples, critical success factors and lesson’s learned as well as future trends in KM analytics.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
A303: Social Enabling Your Extranet
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Gloria Burke, Director, Knowledge Management & Field Communications, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

Working with business partners? Communicating with vendors? Providing customer support? In today’s world, delivering products and services often requires coordination across a number of different stakeholder groups. Socially enabling your extranet provides the means to effectively collaborate and share knowledge in this complex environment. From driving improved innovation and product development to allowing end users to collaborate effectively and address shared problems, social technologies drive improved performance across the value chain. This discussion highlights industry leading extranet capabilities and shares best practices as you begin socially enabling your extranet.

A304: Experts: Utilizing & Growing
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Lauren Trees, KM Research Program Manager, APQC
Darcy Lemons, Senior Advisor, Advisory Services, APQC

Many industries are grappling with expert shortages in scientific, technical, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines. While most strategies to fill these gaps focus on education and recruitment, this presentation offers a different perspective: how leading organizations are applying KM tools to leverage more efficiently the technical experts they have while at the same time accelerating the rate of learning for mid-career employees. Speakers describe the most effective approaches to develop mid-career employees into experts along with practical steps organizations can take to more effectively capture, transfer, and reuse technical information and expertise. They share examples of firms which are using technical networks, knowledge retention processes, expertise locators, collaboration tools, and social media to disseminate STEM knowledge.

Track B - Innovation
Location: Constitution B - Level 3B
Moderator: Richard McDermott, President, McDermott Consulting Henley Business School

Competitive advantage often comes from organizational flexibility and innovation. Gain some practical techniques to help innovation in your organization and hear what other organizations are doing to ignite innovation.

B301: Defense Innovation Marketplace
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Jaymie Durnan, Special Advisor to the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, the Department of Defense (DoD)

The DoD has a broad-reaching research and development (R&D) enterprise which relies on the Military Departments and its laboratories, universities, allied and international partners, and industry to meet its needs for current and emerging technical capabilities. Hear how the DoD created a marketing place with R&D road maps, solicitations, and events intended to provide industry with that insight and quickly evolved it into a secure portal into which industry can submit summaries of proprietary IR&D efforts, which registered and approved DoD R&D and acquisition professionals may access.

B302: Knowledge Transfer & Adjacent Innovation
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Howard Cohen, Knowledge Leader - Technologist, Booz Allen Hamilton

At the 1992 Winter Olympics Geoff Bodine watched the U.S. bobsled team struggle during their competitions. He didn’t know much about bobsledding, but he knew a great deal about racing in NASCAR. He took his knowledge of racing cars and applied it to the first U.S.-made bobsled chassis. Ten years later after Bodine stepped in to help the U.S. Winter Olympic team, the U.S. bobsledders won not one, not two, but three medals at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and again in 2010 in Vancouver. Auto racing made a great pairing of skills again but this time in the medical industry. Formula-1 pit crews passed key lessons to surgical teams about the use of efficient teams in checklists, briefings, and databases to look for errors. The practice is called cross-teaming or adjacent innovation, and it’s a driver of ground-breaking innovations.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
B303: Driving Innovation With Work Practices
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Qua Veda, IT Market Research Analyst, Intel
Bridget Roddy, Program Manager, Virtual Student Foreign Service, Office of eDiplomacy, U.S. Department of State
Isaiah Joo, Program Analyst, Office of eDiplomacy, U.S. Department of State

Intel’s engineering organizations are sponsoring and expanding mindfulness training programs designed to address innovation challenges. These grass- roots-inspired programs provide individuals with the personal tools to engage themselves and others in more fulfilling and effective ways, while allowing a culture of innovation to thrive. Get tips and insights for kick-starting innovation in your organization. The second presentation discusses a continuum of collaboration and crowdworking programs created by the U.S. Department of State’s Office of eDiplomacy. The VSFS was launched by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2009, empowering the next generation of diplomats through e-internships and microvolunteering. The VSFS uses an internal crowdworking platform, called CrowdWork, to facilitate collaborative work worldwide.

B304: Building Innovative KM Programs
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Allison Rougeau, Executive Director, Office of Traffic Safety, Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators
Kelly Foisy, Information Analyst, Office of Traffic Safety, Alberta Transportation
Sheila Shefo Mbiru, Head, Knowledge Management Section, Technical Support Services, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)

Hear about the development of two KM programs. The first is a project to build an online platform to support capture, store, exchange and use of transportation and highway safety information and knowledge across Canada. It is to help Canadian jurisdictions share information more quickly with more people, to share and re-use existing knowledge, and to help staff connect more easily with experts in other jurisdictions. By supporting cross-jurisdictional sharing and collaboration, the CCMTA hopes to enhance policy development and support evidence-based policy-making in Canada. Get tips and insights for developing a country-wide knowledge and information sharing platform, the challenges of communicating across jurisdictions, leadership and the shift from ownership to stewardship of information, lessons learned to-date, and CCMTA’s vision for the future. The second presentation discusses institutionalizing and implementing KM in KEFRI, maximizing the value and impact of KEFRI’s research and spurring innovation. It covers: creating awareness among all staff, undertaking a knowledge audit, developing a KM Strategy, and using the Balanced Score Card tool.

Track C - Trends in the Evolving Knowledge World
Location: Constitution E - Level 3B
Moderator: Connie Crosby, Principal, Crosby Group Consulting

Our world changes so quickly, it’s difficult to keep up let alone look to the future. This track of sessions helps you look at what’s coming and what’s going to be important in 2015 and beyond, as well as the implications for KM and your organization.

C301: Cognitive Computing & KM
10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Susan E. Feldman, President, Synthexis Cognitive Computing Consortium

This session examines what cognitive computing is, what it isn’t, and why it represents an emerging disruption for IT and computing. It discusses possible impacts for those in the search, discovery, content management, and knowledge management area. Feldman believes that far from rendering KM obsolete, cognitive computing and its allied technologies may finally fulfill the promise of KM by helping to automate the time-consuming repetitive processes that made it such a hard sell. Be sure to hear her predictions!

C302: Stories Are Serious Business
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Melinda J. Bickerstaff, Senior Principal, Accenture Federal Services

Storytelling or narrative is big business. Top medical schools are instituting programs in “narrative medicine” so doctors can better analyze patient stories; journalists are replacing the inverted pyramid with protagonists and story arcs; legal scholars are investigating how storytelling can clarify the maze of law and its implications; and top executives at IBM and the World Bank have promoted the business value of storytelling as a way to change these huge organizations. Interest in this ancient genre of communication stems from the rising importance of “sharing knowledge” as a competitive advantage and realizing its inspirational and instructive value as a duo that abstraction and conventional analysis cannot match. Hence, the re-birth of the “story” to spark action, encourage shared values, share knowledge and best practices, get people to work together or march forward together into the future. Learn how innovative narrative techniques are developed and deployed to operationalize knowledge-sharing strategies in two well-known organizations: a global pharmaceutical company and, a large government defense contractor.

Attendee Luncheon in the Enterprise Solutions Showcase
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
C303: Work, Content & the Next 10 Years
2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
John Newton, Co-founder &CTO, Alfresco Software Inc.

The transformation of work will accelerate faster in the next 10 years than ever before and content will be even more important for that work. New technologies will simplify and focus our working lives allowing us to be more creative, collaborative, and productive. During the next 10 years, the way we collaborate, share, and create will be turned upside down, from the complex environment of today to a future of simple execution. Our speaker explores the transformation that is entering office environments today to inspire attendees to envision what it will be like to work in the future.

C304: Knowledge Transfer & the Future
3:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Jeff Stemke, President, Stemke Consulting Group

Effective knowledge transfer is a critical factor for business success, government effectiveness, and education excellence. Stemke looks at how this value has been demonstrated with metrics such as revenue, operating costs, productivity, safety, quality and innovation. The single-most-important asset is the expertise of an organization’s people. The business case for management and employee engagement is clear. Hear about the factors shaping the future of expertise such as the Millennial “crew change,” thought leadership, knowledge loss and recovery, mental models and learning how to think like an expert, Big Data, visualization, and crowdsourcing.

Closing Keynote
CLOSING KEYNOTE: Social Media Business: Using Online Connections to Increase ROI
4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Eve Mayer, CEO, Social Media Delivered & Author, The Social Media Business Equation

Eve MayerFacebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube are changing how our world communicates. A vast majority of CEOs remain hesitant to embrace the new era of emerging media and continue to wonder if it’s possible for an organization to truly leverage these tools and grow their business as a result. Mayer dispels common social media myths and focuses on the logic behind using social media regardless of an organization’s size or industry. Mayer reviews several different case studies from a variety of small, medium, and large companies such as Lane Bryant, Mayo Clinic, and General Motors.

Program Table of Contents

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