
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Morning Workshops
W1: KM Strategy in a Box
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Gordon Vala-Webb, CEO, Vala-Webb Consulting Inc.

Knowledge and strategy are two big and fuzzy words. When you put them together, you seem to get exponential fuzziness. This highly interactive workshop helps you figure out what your “knowledge” means for your organization—and what your knowledge strategy ought to be. An award-winning KM practitioner with more than 10 years’ experience in understanding knowledge strategy in both public and private sector organizations, Gordon Vala-Webb provides a framework for understanding your organization’s knowledge needs and options for what your knowledge strategy ought to be. Participants take home a framework for their knowledge strategy, an understanding of the different options, and the beginnings of a draft strategy.

W2: Driving Organizational Flows Using Enterprise Social Media
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Frank Leistner, Author, Speaker, Independent Swiss Knowledge Management Forum

This workshop shows how to successfully introduce and sustain an internal (enterprise) social media platform to enable knowledge flows. Our author and practitioner presents lessons learned from introducing a social media platform at SAS and discusses many aspects of making this process a successful one, covering all phases and also dealing with topics such as roles, marketing, and motivation, as well as barriers. The barriers view of knowledge sharing is introduced, and, using exercises, participants experience the effect of knowledge flow barriers and how to tackle them. Included are lots of strategies and ideas to utilize in your organization.

W3: Open Source Alternatives for Enterprise Search
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Miles Kehoe, Founder & President, New Idea Engineering

Open source search technologies are finally becoming viable alternatives for enterprise search, but not all open source projects are created equal—and not all are free. This workshop takes you on a deep tour of open source enter- prise search platforms available today and helps you understand the strengths and liabilities of each. It also helps you understand what it takes to success- fully implement and manage open source enterprise search including which features are needed for a successful enterprise search implementation, which open source platforms are enterprise-ready, what skills you will need in-house and which you can contract out, what capabilities may be missing and how to fill the gaps. It looks at whether open source search can save you money and how you can integrate open source search with your enterprise content. The workshop provides brief demonstrations of each major open source search platform, as well as open source and commercial tools that extend the basic search capability. It covers capabilities such as faceted search, security and access control, scalability, and ongoing search operations. This workshop will help you determine if your organization is ready for open source search or whether a commercial search platform is a better option.

W4: Better Face-to-Face Knowledge Sharing
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dave Pollard, CKO (retired), Ernst & Young; Chartered Accountants of Canada Director, Group Pattern Language Project

Improving meeting facilitation, knowledge sharing and mentoring is impor- tant in any organization. Join this fun, highly interactive workshop which shares new techniques and uses a tool created by a team of 50 professional facilitators who pooled their experience and knowledge to produce and test a new, categorized 91-card deck of best practices and processes for group events of all sizes. Utilizing the deck (you receive your own) and participants’ own stories of best and worst meetings, the workshop uncovers what differ- entiates these practices and provides realistic exercises using the cards to do the following:

  • Learn and practice better meeting and collaborative event preparation, research, and design.
  • Debrief after a meeting or event to assess what worked, what didn’t, and why.
  • Self-assess and work on your face-to-face knowledge-sharing skills and weaknesses.
  • Practice handling “meeting nightmares” in-the-moment and using “guerrilla facilitation” to even make others’ meetings more productive.
  • Learn how to teach others in your organization the skill of facilitation.

Learn from our expert how to radically improve the knowledge flow in your organization.

W5: Knowledge Networks & Flow of Insights
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Chris Jones, Senior Delivery Manager, CIBER

While traditional KM approaches continue to face challenges, social technologies in the public domain are sparking organic knowledge networks, hinting at the many promises of Enterprise 2.0. Unfortunately, E2.0 adoption behind the firewall remains severely constrained, facing cultural barriers anchored in silo-thinking and a deeply held bias for control. Collaborators seeking to share knowledge must work against the grain. This workshop identifies multiple barriers to the flow of knowledge in organizations and explores specific steps necessary to achieve breakthroughs. For this to happen KM must evolve, with less focus on structured repositories (echoing the silo model) and more focus on enabling generative conversations. It stimulates us, as KM practitioners, to reframe our thinking, recognizing the need to support movement of unstructured content in daily business work flows, embedding KM in business processes, at last deploying SECI in practice and implementing Nonaka’s “ba” and Argyris’ “double loops” as solution elements. See how to pattern thinking around the flow of insights among diverse stakeholders, and rec- ognize—whether convenient or not—the true demands for exchange that exist on both sides of the firewall. Learning and the sharing of knowledge are intrinsically organic. It’s time for KM to embrace this, adapting and evolving with the accelerated demands of the 21st century, and remaining open to possibilities of a new KM paradigm.

This session has been canceled
W6: Digital Workplace/Intranet Showcase & Design Strategies
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

This workshop has been cancelled.

W7: Intranet 2.0: Integrating Social Media Tools & Tech
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Carmine Porco, Technology Strategist

The focus of this workshop is how to choose and integrate the latest social media tools and technologies into your intranet to foster better collaboration, engagement, and measurable results. Given the runaway popularity of Twitter, Mashups, Facebook, blogs, and many other web-based forms of communications and networking, perhaps you have been wondering about the possibilities and the risks for your organization? Join this interactive workshop and learn proven ways of identifying the right technologies, or social media platforms, such as Yammer, Google Docs, Jive, Igloo, and Newsgator, to achieve your organization’s strategic objectives. Learn how 1,400-plus organizations from all around the world are using Intranet 2.0 tools as the results of a Social Intranet Study (sponsored by IABC) are shared, providing an exclusive look into how and to what extent organizations of all sizes are using social media on their intranets. The global perspective of the survey allows you to develop a new understanding and appreciation for Intranet 2.0 tools. Review case study examples of blogs, wikis, and other social media tools from IBM, Cisco, Sony, Siemens, and others. Gain knowledge from lessons learned and key recommendations for undertaking an Intranet 2.0 and internal branding initiative. This workshop is jam-packed with insights and ideas for creating your Intranet 2.0!

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W8: Knowledge Café
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

This workshop has been cancelled.

W9: Conducting Knowledge Audits
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant, Straits Knowledge Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing

This workshop by a longtime KM practitioner provides a step-by-step technique for conducting a knowledge audit to assess KM needs and opportunities in any organization. It helps you understand the different forms of organizational knowledge and their matching strategies, provides the keys to building and analyzing activity-based knowledge maps, and gives you the confidence to develop recommendations for operational KM interventions based on knowledge maps.

W10: Storytelling for KM Practitioners
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Karuna Ramanathan, Deputy Head Center for Leadership Development, Singapore Armed Forces Adjunct Faculty Nanyang Technological University

This workshop focuses on three storytelling techniques: the 251, the STOP and the COIL. They are practiced to strengthen learning and knowledge creation at the individual, team, and organisational levels. The workshop illustrates how to build a KM strategy to increase the potency of the story work practice field within a system, processes and practices frame. It also discusses actionable conclusions as part of a first strategy to bring KM, leadership, and learning a little closer together.

Afternoon Workshops
W11: Change Management for Knowledge Managers
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Gordon Vala-Webb, CEO, Vala-Webb Consulting Inc.

Is your organization held back by employee or middle-management resistance, poor executive sponsorship, or corporate inertia and politics? These are the biggest obstacles to successful change in any organization. And knowledge management (KM) is all about change. This highly interactive workshop is aimed at people just about to start leading or working on a KM project who want to ensure the success of their project by overcoming these change killers. An award-winning KM practitioner with more than 10 years’ experience in making change happen, Gordon Vala-Webb provides tools and templates and shares his strategies and techniques. Participants will leave the workshop with a much clearer understanding of how to communicate their project, a map of their own key stakeholders, a set of specific next steps to take, and usable tips/hints.

W12: Engaging for KM Success: Build, Maintain, Outperform
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Jeff Hester, KM Business Analyst, Fluor Corporation

Successful, sustained knowledge management is not about “The Tool.” Effective KM transforms the culture of your organization, engaging people in knowledge sharing and collaboration. Fluor is well into its second decade of high-performance knowledge management leadership. How has it been able to continually raise the bar for KM performance? How does it continue to engage employees—both old and new? Learn how Fluor has embedded KM into its corporate culture, from new-hire on-boarding to its annual KM-awareness campaign (Knowvember), to the high-profile success story contest which bolsters C-level support as well as reinforcing the value of KM to all employees. Learn how to leverage game mechanics to encourage the knowledge sharing and collaboration you want. Come gain many insights and ideas, including integrating social computing and gamification into enterprise knowledge management.

This session has been canceled
W13: Intranet/Digital Workspace Navigation
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

This workshop has been cancelled.

W14: KM Strategy & Knowledge Mapping
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
John L. Gordon, MD, AKRI Ltd
Colin Cadas, Engineering Associate Fellow, KM, Central Engineering and Technology, Rolls-Royce plc MBCS, CEng, CITP

Knowledge structure mapping (KSM) is a technique used to help managers understand and evaluate that part of a knowledge resource which is needed by the staff of any organization. It provides a clear visualization of the knowledge resource which employs a simple structural framework based on human expertise. The aim of KSM is to support the management of the entire business by helping managers to account for that most critical part of the knowledge resource—the part held and applied by people. Rolls-Royce plc uses KSM as part of its corporate KM strategy and workshop participants can see how KSM fits into the corporate scheme. The workshop includes a discussion of corporate KM strategy that has been developed by and used within Rolls-Royce plc., corporate guidance, and requirements for all business departments with respect to KM. It provides an explanation of KSM that focuses specifically on the knowledge held and applied by people with risk-based evaluation and assessment concerning the knowledge held by people and the delivery of practical options to deal with business KM-related issues. Filled with practical examples, this workshop provides a road map for you to use in your organization.

W15: Facilitating Knowledge Into Action
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Katrina B Pugh, Lecturer & President, Columbia University & AlignConsulting

To thrive in today’s global economy, leaders understand that they must quickly capitalize on the know-how that hides inside their organizations or networks—in the teams, processes and experts that comprise them. However, approaches such as documentation, After Action Reviews, brainstorming, and even social media tools, still leave gaps—knowledge blind spots, mismatches, and jails. This session teaches an approach that addresses these problems without breaking the bank. “Knowledge Jam” uses facilitated conversation to cross boundaries, surface usable insights, and put knowledge to work. Knowledge Jam is both planned and improvisational. Real-time capture, desktop sharing, and shared sense-making improve the output quality and commitment to it. Knowledge Jam complements crowd-sourcing and the other connectivity strengths of social media. Explore (and justify) applications for Knowledge Jam in your work. Imagine the “competency of convening” as a new competitive advantage. Get practical experience facilitating a conversation-based knowledge transfer method. Learn how the disciplines of facilitation, conversation, and translation put new insights into practice, not just repositories. Learn how organizations are using conversation-based knowledge-transfer along with social media for executive successions, offshoring effectiveness, smoothing mergers and acquisitions, new product development, and network performance.

W16: Creating a KM Strategy
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

This workshop, by a KM pioneer and popular KMWorld speaker, focuses on how to build a successful KM strategy and revitalize knowledge sharing within your organization. Dave Snowden, our engaging workshop leader, takes participants through a step-by-step approach to rethinking the role of the KM function in an organization. It includes creating a decision/information flow map to understand the natural flows of knowledge; defining micro-projects that directly link to the decision support needs of senior executives; mapping the current flow paths for knowledge within the organization; and finding natural ways to manage the knowledge of the aging workforce as well as the IT- enabled apprenticeship. Using real world examples, Snowden shares winning strategies and insights to rejuvenate your knowledge-sharing practices.

W17: Creating Intranets That Work
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
James Robertson, Founder, Step Two Author, Designing Intranets: Creating Sites That Work

Intranets are regularly redesigned, but the same complaints often persist: I can’t find anything! This half-day workshop provides a practical toolkit of techniques to ensure intranets of all types are both usable and useful. It includes many screenshots and real-world examples and is relevant for those on SharePoint, web content management systems, or social intranet tools. Take home lots of strategies, ideas, and techniques to create more effective intranets.

W18: Demystifying SharePoint Strategy & Governance
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Benjamin Curry, Summit 7 Systems

Come see real-world, proven approaches to project and platform success. Learn how process ties to content and how content ties to process. Find out how to apply governance to your content and processes in a simple and straightforward fashion. The workshop discusses high level ECM (enterprise content management) and BPM (business process management) success strategies, framework designs and approaches, as well as how to leverage the out-of-the box features as much as possible. It is jam-packed with insights and strategies, so bring your ideas and be ready to ask lots of questions!

W19: Findability in SharePoint 2010
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise

Many organizations struggle to organize content and are often unaware of the options available for creating successful information architectures. This workshop is designed to provide participants with the basic skills necessary to leverage taxonomy and metadata to improve navigation and search within a SharePoint environment. Techniques for implementing taxonomy and metadata using native SharePoint functionality are explored as is coverage of the tool’s limitations along with potential solutions for the integration and management of complex taxonomic structures. Additional topics include faceted search, custom development, and third-party add-ons.

W20: Aligning People, Process, & Tech for KM Success
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Stephanie A Barnes, Chief Chaos Organizer, Missing Puzzle Piece Consulting Knoco Canada

This workshop focuses on the intersection of People, Process, and IT in an information/ knowledge management context. The approach advocated takes a practical view of I/KM and outlines a much-used process to create a successful KM program from initiation to rollout. The methodology is based on considering people, process, and technology as keys to success in addressing each step of the KM road map process—collect, analyse, resolve, select software application, design/develop/test, implementation, use, and evolve and ensuring all the steps and success factors are aligned with the business objectives. Case studies and examples are included to provide insights into how organizations have successfully strategized, selected, and implemented KM technology and activities.

W21: Collaborative Work: Getting the Best from Your Virtual Teams and Communities
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Martin White, Managing Director, Intranet Focus Ltd, UK

Virtual teams are commonplace these days, with one or more members working in a different location, time zone or country. White brings 30 years of business experience gained in nearly 40 countries to this highly interactive workshop focused on using virtual teams and communities as productively as possible. Among the topics included: working effectively with audio, web, and video conferencing; how to build, manage, and motivate virtual teams and communities; and how to address issues relating to language and cultural differences.

Executive Workshop
Executive Workshop
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

This year we're offering a new Executive Workshop that will be held in conjunction with KMWorld 2012. Created in partnership with Real Story Group, this separately priced event will provide attendees with crucial information needed to stay competitive in today's technology-filled workplace. Find out more and register for this special event below.

The Social and Mobile Workplace
Click for more information

Program Table of Contents

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