Monday, November 16, 2009

Pre-Conference Workshops
W1: Gaining Foresight: Strategies for Turbulent Times
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dave Snowden, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company

With the rapid pace of turbulent change, organizations need solid processes to guide them. This workshop goes beyond scenario planning and focuses on strategies and techniques for dealing with today’s complex world. Join our  knowledgeable and amusing workshop leader as he discusses horizon scanning,action planning, distributed decision making, and collaborative foresight using lots of real world examples. Get new ideas and practices for helping your
organization to deal with the future.

W2: Strategies for Innovative Intranets
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
James Robertson, Founder, Step Two Author, Designing Intranets: Creating Sites That Work

While the concept of the intranet as an “internal website” has done much to improve the quality and status of these sites, what is the vision for moving them forward in the age of social media? To be effective, intranets need to innovate,  to find new ways of meeting organizational needs. They must also become a valuable business tool that delivers tangible and visible benefits for the organization as a whole. This workshop provides practical approaches for managing and growing intranets. Central to this is the “6x2 methodology,” which offers a rigorous framework for intranet planning. This unique approach focuses on carefully scoping the next six months of work, to ensure that what is planned is not only achievable, but is also worth doing. Robertson discusses and illustrates many successful intranet implementations including winning entries of the global Intranet Innovation Awards.

W3: Taxonomy Implementation & Integration
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Seth Earley, CEO, Earley Information Science Author, The AI Powered Enterprise
Stephanie Lemieux, President & Principal Consultant, Dovecot Studio

Organizations are embarking on taxonomy initiatives to serve a wide variety of audiences and purposes. Fundamentally these are metadata management projects, but business sponsors rarely see them in that light. In many cases, taxonomy initiatives are seen as separate from enterprise data initiatives. This workshop focuses on taxonomy project processes for derivation, validation, testing, integration, rollout and governance. It discusses how taxonomy projects should be integrated with overall metadata management, the best ways to communicate their role to business users and sponsors, project definition and building a business case, data gathering techniques, content review and term extraction processes, creating search and navigation scenarios, governance and integration with enterprise metadata management, search engine and content management
system integration, and more.

W4: Business Social Media Best Practices: Blogs & Twitter
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Bill Ives, Partner, Merced Group

Blogs were one of the initial social media and their influence continues to grow. They were the first social media to make it into Gartner’s “slope of enlightenment.” Gartner recently wrote, “Enterprises must define clear strategic objectives for blogging, and support them with policies to encourage executives and employees to maintain regular entries and to identify and discourage harmful blogging practices…. Increasingly, any public-facing media company or enterprise must have a blogging strategy.” This interactive workshop helps you develop and refine your enterprise blogging strategy. It covers blogging best practices in 2009 and how to complement your blogging efforts with Twitter, the new emerging social media tool. New customer communication options opened up by Twitter are also explored.

W5: Fundamentals of Enterprise Search
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Avi Rappoport, Senior Search Consultant, Search Tools Consulting

Search engines, big and small, have certain standard elements and processes. The more you understand them, the easier to tune them to solve your real information needs. This practical overview provides a big picture view of how search fits within enterprise and websites, and a focused introduction to search technology and user experience. Elements of search covered include robot spiders, database connectors and other tools for locating content, indexing issues, query parsing, retrieval, relevance ranking, and designing usable search interfaces. The workshop addresses common search problems and solutions, security issues, languages, new interface elements, important (and unimportant) features as well as providing tools for choosing a search engine or evaluating an existing one.

W6: Developing Enterprise 2.0 with Web 2.0 for Employee Engagement
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO, Helix Commerce
Craig E Brown, Senior Manager, Hosting, Cloud and Professional Services, MTS Allstream
Jessica Muhlbier, Digital Social Media Strategist, Thornley Fallis
Amir Malik, Director, Family Health International

This workshop shares practices and experiences in designing and deploying Web 2.0 programs for employee engagement.  It addresses: Web 2.0 governance and success strategies; best practices using blogs, wikis, Facebook applications; and integrated social media platforms to help evolve organization's talent competencies to align with the future workforce.  It is full of examples, tips, techniques and insights which are immediately applicable in any organization.

W7: Semantic Web & Taxonomies
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Dr. Dean Allemang, Principal Solutions Architect,

The recent increase in attention being given to the Semantic Web and its role in information mediation has brought up a number of questions with respect to the long-standing practice of organizing controlled vocabularies, taxonomies and thesauri. But there is considerable confusion about just what the technological features of the Semantic Web are, and what benefits this can bring to thesaurus management. This half-day workshop covers the basics of Semantic Web technology, including RDF, RDFS, SPARQL and a brief introduction to OWL and SKOS. It provides basic familiarity with the Semantic Web standards, demystifies the jargon, and covers the fundamental assumptions that drive the design of the semantic web. It demonstrates these standards, explores the ramification of these assumptions in distributed information modeling, and provides lots of tips and insights for taxonomists and vocabulary managers.

W8: Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), Social Networking & Productivity
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Eric Mack, Founder & President, ICA
Allan Crawford, California State University, Northridge & AC Consulting

Organizations and individuals are increasingly pressured to do more with less, do things faster, and cheaper while at the same time be more creative. Few enterprises, however, are supplying their workers with the tools, much less the training and processes to accomplish this. PKM focuses on the capabilities and contributions of each and every knowledge worker and coupled with the emerging use of social networking tools, represents a significant opportunity to bring about transformative change in individual and enterprise productivity. This workshop looks at the successful habits, tools, methodologies, strategies, and techniques of knowledge work in a web and enterprise 2.0 world. It gives you tangible methods, tools and tips to increase your organization’s productivity.

W9: Increasing Your SharePoint Knowledge Capability
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Stacy E. Land, Director of Performance Enhancement, Senior Medical Management, WellPoint & Author, Managing Knowledge-Based Initiatives: Strategies for Successful Deployment

You don’t need to be a SharePoint designer to do cools things. This workshop focuses on how to do smart things with no added software and no additional expense. It stresses the knowledge architect role, working in partnership with business people who in the end, own the solution. It shares workable methodologies tips, SharePoint work-arounds (using WSS 3.0 out of the box functionality & Office, not SharePoint Portal), executive dashboard strategies, team sites, and more. It illustrates with some huge successes as well as crashing failures, pointing to lessons learned in each case.

W10: Information Architecture: Enhancing Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Susan S. Hanley, President, Susan Hanley LLC Intranet Consultant, Microsoft MVP

The objective of information architecture (IA) is to design how information is created, structured and labeled to ensure a user experience that facilitates users in achieving their goals by finding information or completing a task in the most efficient manner. It describes how users navigate through the portal and how information managed by the solution is organized, ensuring that users are able to find the content they are looking for. Driven by purpose, IA for your portal is a tool that assists users in understanding and interacting with the solution. A well-designed IA does not guarantee the success of your KM or collaboration solution but a poorly designed one surely promises failure. This workshop focuses on approaches with three key elements of information architecture: site, page, and metadata architecture. These three elements ensure that the entire site is organized for “findability,” each page provides the optimal information for users, and all content is “tagged” with optimal attributes to support both browsing and searching for content. Use these strategies, tips and techniques to ensure your portal and collaboration solutions, particularly those based on SharePoint 2007, provide measurable business results and successful user experiences.

W11: Leveraging & Valuing Expertise in Your Organization
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant, Straits Knowledge Author, Principles of Knowledge Auditing
Dr Nancy Dixon, Principal & Founder, Common Knowledge Associates

This interactive workshop examines the nature of expertise and experience, and explores the different ways in which they contribute to the success of an organization. Lambe & Dixon help participants to identify the value, risks and opportunities in the expertise and experience latent in their own organizations, and identify knowledge management techniques to leverage, grow or protect that expertise. They share a framework for planning a response to expertise needs, and identify some practical techniques that can be deployed to accelerate expertise transfer. Using anecdote circles, sensemaking filters, and other methodologies, the group discusses organizational needs and behaviors, identifies common issues in the way that expertise is valued and leveraged (or not), looks at patterns emerging from the session and shares relevant case examples.

W12: Improving the Design of Search
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
James Robertson, Founder, Step Two Author, Designing Intranets: Creating Sites That Work

Poor search is one of the greatest sources of user frustration with websites and intranets. Worse yet, the inadequacies of search may be consigning these sites as a whole to failure. If users can’t find information when they need it, will they even come to the site? Organizations are now recognizing that search is a critical business tool on their intranet as well as on their websites. More than just a way to find documents or pages, search can directly support users completing their common tasks. Fundamentally, however, this is not a technology problem. Modern search engines have more than enough functionality to deliver a workable search solution. The current issues with search, however, stem from simply using the out-of-the-box installation. In practice, there is a key piece of design that must be done to create effective user interfaces, as well as to tune the search
engine behind the scenes. At the most basic level, this may only involve 2–3 days of work, although beyond that there are many more advanced approaches that can be considered. This workshop explores in-depth how to improve the design and effectiveness of search, providing best (and worst) practice examples throughout. Key information architecture principles are explored, including how “information scent” can be used to guide the design of search results pages.

W13: Creating a Successful Taxonomy
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Gary Carlson, Founder, Factor
Michael Crandall, Principal Research Scientist, Information School, University of Washington Information School

This workshop provides an overview of the different components of taxonomy and information management projects. The session is geared toward managers and practitioners who have recently started working with taxonomies or who desire a broader perspective on the field. It covers the different aspects of a well built and well used taxonomy. Taxonomies are discussed in the context of their common usage in areas such as search, tagging, navigation, CMS, autocategorization and business intelligence. Participants come away with an understanding of the nomenclature used by taxonomists and the basic ways taxonomies add value in enterprise settings.

W14: A Practical Guide to Implementing Web 2.0
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dave Pollard, CKO (retired), Ernst & Young; Chartered Accountants of Canada Director, Group Pattern Language Project

Enjoy an interactive afternoon discussing social tools and knowledge sharing with a KM thought leader and practitioner who shares success stories of how organizations have introduced social media and other tools to their budget-conscious organizations; the practical approaches used; and the secrets of their success. Pollard looks at eight tools that improve work productivity, decisionmaking and innovation, connectivity, collaboration and knowledge transfer. He focuses on web 2.0 (aka social networking tools): people connectors that find and strengthen relationships, collaboration and communication.

W15: Innovation Passport
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Peter Andrews, Consultant & Author, Innovation Passport

Going from invention to product or service has never been easy. With the increasing complexity of challenges and opportunities, many vital innovations can only be developed with partners. Such collaborations face challenges of culture, trust and geography. This workshop focuses on IBM’s First-of-a-Kind (FOAK) program, which has taken hundreds of research assets and road tested them with its most valued clients. The program has stepped up to the demands of combining teams, often from different countries, to refine and tune inventions. At every step, commercialization remains a focus so that successful projects lead to successful offerings. Andrews, who has experience with this process, provides tips, strategies and guidance for using this process in your organization. He helps participants better understand technology transfer and how to make it happen in their organizations.

W16: Sharepoint Information Architecture: Integrating Taxonomy & Metadata
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Stephanie Lemieux, President & Principal Consultant, Dovecot Studio
Shawn Shell, Executive Advisor, Avanade

Can’t find content inside of SharePoint? Many organizations struggle to organize their content and don’t understand the options for creating good information architecture. Find out how you can leverage taxonomy and metadata to improve navigation and search in your SharePoint portal. You’ll hear about techniques for implementing taxonomy and metadata using native SharePoint functionality. The workshop covers the tool’s limitations and potential solutions for complex taxonomic structures and faceted search, including custom development and third party add-ons. It discusses core SharePoint information architecture components, taxonomies out-of-the-box style, limitations & solutions for complex taxonomy, customization options and more.

W17: Creating a Knowledge Sharing Culture
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dave Cable, Learning manager, EY
Vidya D Singh, Assistant Director - Marketing, Communications, Learning, Center for Business Knowledge, EY

Ernst & Young is currently in the process of energizing its knowledge culture and has launched an Americas-wide initiative that focuses on four key areas: incenting knowledge sharing behaviors, enabling collaboration among professionals, resetting the knowledge image, and identifying and monitoring knowledge measures that matter. This workshop shares practical steps to implementing a knowledge culture based on our experience.  Specifically, the workshop takes participants through the EY experiences embedding knowledge behaviors into firm wide competencies and performance management/learning systems, revising a knowledge sharing policy, creating change management plans (including marketing messages and collateral, internal team training and enablers), developing a culture toolkit (including trust builders, incentives, behaviors and messages), establishing pilots of excellence with account teams, and creating executive dashboards for measurement of success. Filled with insights and tips to take back and apply in your organization.

W18: Building a Learning Organization: Models for Personal KM (PKM)
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Steve Barth, Assistant Professor/Chair, Business & Entrepreneurship, Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Engineering and the Business of Innovation, University of Southern California Reflected Knowledge Consulting

Based on 10 years of research into the role of individuals in knowledge enabled organizations, this PKM workshop is a civics lesson for the learning organization. Getting every knowledge worker to bring their best to teams, organizations, communities, jobs and tasks depends on personal mastery of the values, practices skills and tools required to contribute their professional expertise to organizational learning and collective  outcomes. In practice, expertise is expressed through articulation and awareness, as well as interpersonal communication, and information literacy. Over the long term, a knowledge worker takes responsibility for the knowledge accumulated across his/her career and network. PKM has taken hold in organizations ranging from the military forces to law firms and technology manufacturers. This workshop demonstrates the value of personal KM—as a component of organizational KM and learning—with actionable models and frameworks. It provides many working examples in different types of organizations, lots of tips, and is immediately implementable in any organization.

W19: Enterprise Search Technologies
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Miles Kehoe, Founder & President, New Idea Engineering

This workshop, by a vendor neutral consultant who has hands-on experience with a broad range of “out of the box,” open source, commercial, and home grown solutions, provides an overview of the enterprise search technology landscape. It reviews technologies currently on the market; discusses pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses, and specific suitabilities. Kehoe shares case studies that illuminate how search technologies are leveraged in different types of organizations; and provides a good introduction to and understanding of the enterprise search world.

W20: Linking KM & Talent Management: Employee Knowledge Strategies
1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Kiho Sohn, Chief Knowledge Officer, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne

This workshop focuses on how knowledge management (KM) can be incorporated into your human resources (HR) strategy to create new ways
for HR to add value. A knowledge advantage is a sustainable advantage. In today's knowledge driven economy, organizations must know how to
develop and implement knowledge based strategies. This hands-on workshop develops your understanding of KM concepts and how they apply to talent management to drive measurable business results. It presents a management tool to identify a set of critical skills to be maintained, to identify potential risks of losing critical skills, and to help develop plans to mitigate those risks. Join the discussion of using KM to increase employee engagement and lower organizational knowledge loss, designing and apply a knowledge based talent management strategy in your organization, developing a KM toolkit, and measuring the return on your knowledge management initiatives.

Monday Evening Session
7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Welcome & Evening Networking Event
7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Dr Nancy Dixon, Principal & Founder, Common Knowledge Associates

Connect to fellow KMWorld 2009 colleagues at this opening networking event and learn from each other’s perspectives on resetting the enterprise in these turbulent times. Through stories and conversations, Dixon leads the group to pull out trends and themes for further discussion at the conference.

Program Table of Contents

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