Susan McCabe

Enterprise Collaboration Consultant
Unisys Corporation

Picture of Susan McCabeSusan McCabe is an Enterprise Collaboration Business Consultant in Unisys Unified Social Business Practice.  Susan is responsible for implementing Unisys enterprise social business strategy and consulting with clients on their strategy and implementation of enterprise collaboration business solutions. 

Susan’s areas of expertise include business consulting, IT infrastructure, solution and business process design, communications, training and culture/adoption change initiatives.  Susan holds a patent for a method of enabling knowledge communities that is being used at Unisys today.  In addition to being published in Leading with Knowledge, Knowledge Management in Global InfoTech Companies she serves on the company’s Knowledge and Collaboration Advisory Council.  

Susan’s 30 year career in the technology industry spans numerous positions in sales, marketing, operations, and business consulting.  She is a subject matter expert and industry presenter on Social Collaboration Initiatives and Culture Transformation.

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