Neil Olonoff

Knowledge Management Practice Manager
Triune Group, Inc.

Neil Olonoff is a Knowledge Management (KM) and Organizational Development (OD) consultant and theorist.  He has a diverse background in government and private sector work. Currently he is knowledge management Practice Manager for Triune Group, and also serves as KM SME for Securities Exchange Commission. In the Past, he was KM strategic planner in the CIO office of the Army Surgeon General (OTSG/OCMIO). Formerly he worked in the KM office of U.S. Army HQDA, G-4 (Logistics).  He has also been associated with Open Text, MCI WorldCom, Department of Labor, General Services Administration, and other organizations.   

He earned an MS in OD and KM from George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. His practicum, entitled "The Conversant Organization," focused on conversation, trust and knowledge sharing. He is a founding member of Army Knowledge Strong, the Army-wide KM Community of Practice and is a former board member of International Knowledge Management Institute.  He conceived, formed and led the Federal Knowledge Management Initiative, a sub-group of the KMWG, which aims to create a Federal KM Center and spread knowledge management throughout the Federal Government. He recently became a Cognitive Edge Accredited Practitioner. Neil is currently completing a doctorate in the Taos Tilburg PhD program; his dissertation is on the topic, Knowledge Management: the Relational Dimension. 


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