Lesley Ann Shneier

Alumni Knowledge and Social Media Coordinator
World Bank Group 1818 Society

Picture of Lesley Ann ShneierLesley Shneier is a former Senior Knowledge Specialist at the World Bank Group. She comes from South Africa, with a background in social work, human resources, organization change and management consulting. Lesley worked at the World Bank in Washington DC for 27 years, focusing mainly on organizational change, knowledge sharing, innovation and collaboration, communities of practice, and the impact of ICT tools. She now works with the 1818 Society alumni to capture, curate, share and apply their development expertise with current staff. Her experiences relate to mainstreaming the knowledge sharing program across the Bank and beyond to include clients and partners; working with the leaders of the communities of practice (called Thematic Groups); organizing large knowledge sharing events such as knowledge conferences, knowledge fairs and expos as ways of communicating the knowledge sharing message to many people in and outside the World Bank. She holds degrees in Social Work, and a Masters in Personnel Management from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.

KMWorld 2014

KMWorld 2011

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