Connect with Jean-Luc Abelin

Jean-Luc Abelin

Director Knowledge Management Group

Picture of Jean-Luc Abelin“Practitioner Marketer” for more than 30 years Jean-Luc Abelin has occupied various functions: sales, marketing and communication in IT , market studies sectors and for 20 years  within the Lafarge group.His knowledge of the various cement, concretes and aggregates activities, its experiment of marketing has been for 6 years an assets for launching and deploy the platform of knowledge sharing. his success was related to the comprehension of the users expectations and of communication actions and information necessary to involve employees.

Since JuIy 2013 he has chosen and implemented a new multilingual platform intended to all Lafarge employees ( 45000 people in 62 countries). All activities, all departments, all countries are concerned by this platform and we have migrated on it all existing databases in order to have only one platform for all Lafarge knowledges.
His mission is also is motivate and animate all these people through a network of 80 Knowledge managers (country or function). The purpose of this knowledge network is to identify,the key contents, best practices and reusable knowledges, to structure it and share it through the
platform. In addition his mission is to deploy a change management approach thanks to communication, events and mainly behaviour changing. The target is to involve people in collaboration and sharing, improve best practice transfer to increase performances and
individual skills.

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