David Copps


Picture of David Copps

Dave is a well-known technology visionary and evangelist on the role technology will play in transforming the world. For the past 15 years, as a technologist, entrepreneur, and CEO he has founded and launched three successful companies focused on machine learning and artificial intelligence. Dave currently serves as founder and CEO of Brainspace Corporation, a company headquartered in Dallas, Texas that is playing a key role in the emergence and utilization of machine learning in the enterprise. With the launch of their platform, Brainspace is transforming the way data-driven companies surface insights and answers from the unstructured information they produce and curate every day.

Prior to founding Brainspace, Dave was co-founder and CEO of Engenium Corporation (purchased by Marsh McLennan), where he led the adoption of the Company’s conceptual search platform. Dave’s technology has been adopted by both public and private sector organizations ranging from the Pentagon, Global Intelligence Agencies, Fortune 100 companies, four of the five largest international consulting companies and hundreds of other data-driven companies around the globe.

KMWorld 2016

KMWorld 2015

KMWorld 2014

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