Connect with Claude Malaison

Claude Malaison


Picture of Claude MalaisonMr. Malaison is ex-president and founder on the API (Association des professionnels en intranet).  He teaches Interactive Communications at the University of Montreal, was member of the OCTAS Jury in 2002 and 2003, the annual award of the FIQ (Québec’s IT Federation).  He gives many workshops and conferences in Québec, France and the USA, and gives lectures in Universities such as Laval, University of Montreal and UQAM.

He directs a series of Collective Books: «L’intranet dans tous ses états» - 2004, «L’intégration des 3 Nets – Internet, intranet, extranet: une nouvelle dynamique d’entreprise» - 2005, and «Why Blogging In a Corporate World?» - 2007.  He has worked tirelessly since 1999 at the organization of the International Conference on Interactive Communication called Intracom, now webcom-Montreal,  Since 2005, he is President of ÉmergenceWeb, a company that specializes in Interactive Communication, Social Computing and Enterprise 2.0 Integration.

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