Connect with Neal McCarthy

Neal McCarthy

Senior Manager, Shared Services Applications

Picture of Neal McCarthyNeal’s area of expertise and focus is on information & knowledge systems: working to provide Oxfam staff and partners with the technologies and supporting processes that they need to do their work. He promotes a rights-based approach to information systems, asserting that the staff and partners have a fundamental right to the systems that need to do their jobs effectively and effeciently. He prioritizes his own work and that of his teams by addressing the areas where the needs are greatest. He currently leads several projects related to these needs, one of which is a new suite of collaboration systems for Oxfam staff worldwide.

He holds a BSc degree in Computer Science and an MSc degree in Development Studies, so he speaks the languages (and knows the acronyms!) of both technology and international development. He has worked in technology since 1994, and specifically in the non-profit sector since 2003, with humanitarian, advocacy, and development organizations in Ireland, Africa, Canada and the United States.

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