KMWorld 2019 Conference Program

Join us for KMWorld 2019 as we explore and share how successful knowledge management can transform any organization. Our extensive program includes 4 days of programming, with pre-conference workshops on Monday, November 4, daily keynote sessions, and 9 conference tracks, including: KM Foundations for AI & BeyondDigital Workspace Transformation | KM Culture & Change on Tuesday, November 5; KM Strategies & Practices | KM Models, Frameworks, & MethodologiesDigital Transformation, Behavior Change & KM on Wednesday, November 6; and KM Evolution | KM Tools | KM Engagement: Fun & Games on Thursday, November 7.

To view the entire conference program schedule by time and day, see our Agenda page. Or, view the Final Program PDF.

To find out more about our co-located one-and-a-half day Complexity in Human Systems Symposium on Thursday, November 7 and Friday, November 8, click here.


Wednesday, Nov 6

Track A: KM Strategies & Practices

Patrick Lambe, Principal Consultant, Straits Knowledge

A201. KM Continuum: People to Machine Learning

10:45 AM2019-11-062019-11-06

Wednesday, November 6: 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

The World Bank’s twin goals of reducing extreme poverty and raising the standards of living in the poorest areas of the world are largely being delivered through the funding and delivery of operational work in these target regions. The more recent, centralized KM program has been focusing on how to improve the capture of and access to such operational and implementation knowledge. This means that the whole continuum of KM—from tacit to explicit, people to algorithmic considerations—has been brought into play in order to tackle this massive task. Listen to the World Bank’s story in terms of what components its Action Plan has brought into play—a combination of “quick fix” experiments (including machine learning) balanced with long-term fundamental initiatives (targeting deeper cultural elements)—in order to shift the wider organization’s KM ecosystem to a better place.


, Director, KM, World Bank


A202. Community Organizing: Empowering Knowledge Managers

11:45 AM2019-11-062019-11-06

Wednesday, November 6: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Is technology the only way we can innovate KM to make it more effective? While taking a Harvard course on community organizing, our speaker realized that this approach could significantly improve the often-struggling people side of KM. How to motivate people to do something? How to build relationships that lead to a culture of commitment? How to win key stakeholders? How to use scares resources to obtain more of them and achieve strategic goals? These are some of the key questions the community organizing model answer, and they are the same ones we face in our day-to-day job as KM professionals. Hear how parts of community organizing are integrated with the materials on communities of practice, developed with the World Bank Group team, influenced UNICEF’s first-ever organizational KM strategy, offering a practical approach that can empower KM professionals in the work they do, from the highest strategic level to leading culture change toward increased knowledge sharing. Get insights and ideas to use in your organization.


, KM Specialist, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)


A203. KM: Customer Service Driver in the Public Service

01:30 PM2019-11-062019-11-06

Wednesday, November 6: 1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.

This session follows a multi-year, multi-phase KM plan to deliver responsive and trusted expertise to customers and employees as the source of land registry and land information services in British Columbia. Hear about the first two phases of this project: the development of an organization-wide KM strategy and the continuous improvement of a SharePoint portal to equip employees with the very best knowledge, insights, and expertise available to drive exceptional customer service.


, Policy Manager, Policy & Legal Services Division, Land Title & Survey Authority of British Columbia

, Director, Enterprise Information Solutions, ARC Business Solutions Inc.


A204. Mindful Knowledge Facilitation

02:30 PM2019-11-062019-11-06

Wednesday, November 6: 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Is the creating, accessing, and referring to and enhancing, replication, and sharing of the knowledge stores so commonplace and ubiquitous that we do not even realize that we are doing it anymore? Mohn discusses how mindful knowledge facilitation is maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of the knowledge being absorbed, used, consulted, and shared while remaining cognizant of potential adjustments to leverage improvements and greater harmony. She illustrates how it can reveal the benefits of being mindful of knowledge work and shares mindful knowledge facilitation guidelines and events that can help KM awareness in any organization.


, Knowledge Management Specialist, Defense Security Cooperation Agency


A205. Crowdsourcing: Knowledge Sharing, Discussion, & Ideation

04:00 PM2019-11-062019-11-06

Wednesday, November 6: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Since 2017, BASES, a market research company, has used the Atlassian suite (Confluence and Jira Service Desk) for internal KM and product support. In 2019, discussion forums were added on the same platform to allow employees to ask and answer questions “out loud.” This practical case study illustrates how they started from user needs; identified key drivers for asking, answering, and reading questions; selected metrics to measure success; and mined data to learn from experience. Speakers share examples of how adding forums has increased the helpfulness and visibility of the knowledgebase and lightened the burden on the support team. Our second speaker team shares how TechnipFMC’s award-winning KM program allows specialists to pair facilitation with crowdsourcing, rating, and more to expedite ideation and knowledge sharing. They share how their organization applies the power of crowdsourcing and assessment to engage employees, facilitate knowledge sharing, and gain consensus. View excerpts from crowdsourcing sessions, including a case study where standardizing an engineering processes was cut in half, saving more than $150,000 and 100 work-hours. Hear about other facilitated sessions that include successful engagement with external partners and customers. See how facilitated collaboration is used to inform, focus, and unite employees located across the globe. .


, Manager, Business Enablement, Nielsen

, Knowledge Management Program Manager, TechnipFMC

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