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KMWorld 2019 Presentations

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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Welcome & Keynote - Knowledge Management in the Age of Smart Machines
Ross Smith - 0830_Smith.pptm
Tony Rhem - 0830_Rhem.pptx
Keynote - Delivering Killer App Taxonomy Experience in SharePoint Office 365
Keynote - Building the Knowledgeable Application with AI
Building Strong Foundations for Digital Success
Jason Hein - A101_Hein.pptx
Building on a KM Program
Glover & Klugh - A102_Glover.pptx
AI Landscape & Possibilities for KM
Greg Brougham - A103_Brougham(1).pptx
Continuing Investment in KM
AI: Virtual Agents & Content
Pugh & Serkes - A105_Pugh.pdf
Rating Your Digital Workplace
Geoff Ables - B101_Ables.pdf
Digital Workspaces of the Future: Industry Insights
Erika Block - B102_Block.mp4
Digitally Transforming to End World Hunger
Chelsey Louzeiro - B103_Louzeiro.pdf
Showcasing Digital Workspaces & Intranets
Katrina Dittmer - B104_Dittmer.pptx
Digital Enterprise of the Future: Automation & Generations
Moving Culture in a Time of Extreme Change
Lisa Tallman - C101_Tallman.pdf
Driving KM Culture With Internal Channels
Viles & Mueller - C102_Viles(1).pptx
Grassroots KM Skills Retention
Crum & Serrano - C103_Crum.pptx
Crum & Serrano - C103_Crum.htm
Crum & Serrano - C103_Crum.txt
Crafting Culture With Communities & Engagement
Elisabeth Brackman - C104_Brackman.pdf
Rachel Happe - C104_Happe.pdf
Ready for KM? Industry Insights
Hughes, Weisheim & Gower - C105_Hughes.pptx
Eric Storm - C105_Storm.pptx

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Keynote - Future Trends: Insights for Knowledge Sharing in 2020+
Jody Turner - 0830_Turner.ppt
Jody Turner - 0830_Turner.pdf
Keynote - Pure to Pragmatic: From AI Hype to Delivering Actual ROI
Scott Parker - 0915_Parker.pdf
Keynote - Demands for Data: Governance, Risk, Compliance, Analytics & Value
Nagy & Gabler - 0930_Nagy.pptx
Keynote - Knowledge Management in the Age of AI
KM Continuum: People to Machine Learning
Community Organizing: Empowering Knowledge Managers
Ivan Butina - A202_Butina.pdf
KM: Customer Service Driver in the Public Service
Mindful Knowledge Facilitation
Tara Mohn - A204_Mohn.pptx
Crowdsourcing: Knowledge Sharing, Discussion, & Ideation
Villarreal & Rodriguez - A205_Villarreal.pdf
Humanizing Technology: Search, KM, & Collaboration Powered by AI
Knowledge Sharing: Methodology & Technology
Cynefin Framework: Project Management Approach for KM Projects
Sagar & Galdamez - B203_Sagar.pptx
You Drank the Office 365 Kool-Aid, Now What?
KM Models & Examples
Speeding Up the Building of Innovative Teams
Jim Clarke - C201_Clarke.pdf
Digital Transformation & KM in Partnership
Tiffany L. Smith - C202_Smith.pptx
Weaponized Narrative for Fast Change
Fail Your Way to Launch: Lessons Learned Launching KM Projects at Shopify
Kathleen Cauley - C204_Cauley.pdf
Accelerating Collaboration: Platforms & Strategies
Hanan Al Mheiri - C205_Al_Mheiri.pdf
Lock_Lee & Souza - C205_Lock_Lee.pptx
Communities of Interest

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Keynote - Knowledge-Sharing Culture to Support Organizational Success
Keynote: Bringing a Consumer-Like Experience to the Digital Workplace
Diane Burley - 0915_Burley.pptx
Keynote - Top 5 Lessons Learned in Enriching Enterprise Search
Megan DeSomery - 0945_DeSomery.pptx
KNOWLEDGE CAFÉ: Mentoring Morning
Government Executive Knowledge Exploration
Keynote - The 3 Pillars of AI & Their Impact on KM
Kamran Khan - 1215_Khan.pdf
KMWorld & Intranet Awards
Re-Evaluating & Evolving Your KM Program
Braksiek & Timmerman - A301_Braksiek.pptx
Winning Strategies for KM
Woodson & Bullock - A302_Woodson.pdf
Wendy Woodson - Intro to ExxonMobil
KM Program for 2020 & Beyond
Kim Glover - A303_Glover.pptx
Practical Tools for KM in the New Tech Age
Spitzberg, Boersma, Burkalter, Mokate & Bitondo - B301_Spitzberg.pdf
Boersma, Spitzberg, Burkalter, Mokate & Bitondo - B301_Boersma.pdf
Handy Tools for Your SharePoint Toolbox
Versola & Tirpak - B302_Versola.pptx
Multi-Point Tech for Learning & Sharing
Barbara Bitondo - B303_Bitondo(1).pdf
Engagement Strategies for KM Adoption: Games Help!
Viles & Glover - C301_Viles.docx
Viles & Glover - C301_Viles.pptx
Engaging Legal & Non-Profits
Scott Leeb - C302_Leeb.pdf
Social Media & KM Engagement
Keynote - Intelligent Content Services: New & Next
Closing Keynote Panel - 2020 & Beyond: Creating Resilience in Organizations & Society
Opening Keynote Panel - 2020 & Beyond: Creating Resilience in Organizations & Society (Joint Session with KMWorld 2019 Attendees)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Resilience, Sustainability & The Future Through A Complexity Lens
Coffee Break
Moving the Complexity Field Forward: Leadership/Direction/Strategy/Planning
Attendee Lunch
Open Space Discussion: Exploration & Convergence

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