KMWorld 2019 Conference Program

Join us for KMWorld 2019 as we explore and share how successful knowledge management can transform any organization. Our extensive program includes 4 days of programming, with pre-conference workshops on Monday, November 4, daily keynote sessions, and 9 conference tracks, including: KM Foundations for AI & BeyondDigital Workspace Transformation | KM Culture & Change on Tuesday, November 5; KM Strategies & Practices | KM Models, Frameworks, & MethodologiesDigital Transformation, Behavior Change & KM on Wednesday, November 6; and KM Evolution | KM Tools | KM Engagement: Fun & Games on Thursday, November 7.

To view the entire conference program schedule by time and day, see our Agenda page. Or, view the Final Program PDF.

To find out more about our co-located one-and-a-half day Complexity in Human Systems Symposium on Thursday, November 7 and Friday, November 8, click here.


Tuesday, Nov 5

Track C: KM Culture & Change

Rosalyn Alleman, Consultant, T. White Parker

C101. Moving Culture in a Time of Extreme Change

10:45 AM2019-11-052019-11-05

Tuesday, November 5: 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Earlier this year, YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) transformed the dynamics of knowledge sharing at the Y by rolling out a new platform focused on local Y-to-Y sharing and social networking. The transition—from a platform in which communication traveled primarily in one direction (from the national office to local Ys) to a platform in which Ys share knowledge freely with other Ys—was a key component in a new strategic service delivery model that refined how the national office provides services to the 850 YMCA associations comprised of 2,700 branches across the country. This change, itself a large-scale undertaking, occurred during a time of extensive organizational restructuring of Y-USA, and the time frame for the rollout of the new platform was shortened by six months. This session outlines the seven-step change management process employed throughout the initiative, including awareness, adoption, and engagement tactics. It shares the platform itself, MangoApps, a little-known platform in the KM and community space that has proven to be the right platform for the job. Hear about engagement activities and the huge culture shift surrounding knowledge sharing at the Y.


, Senior Director, Knowledge Management, YMCA of the USA


C102. Driving KM Culture With Internal Channels

11:45 AM2019-11-052019-11-05

Tuesday, November 5: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Whether your program is established or just beginning, social media is a strategy you can use to increase adoption, attract new users, and amplify the benefit of your KM applications. Social media and KM share and consume information via technology; each requires engagement for the social unit to prosper; relevant content can go viral; membership is driven by common interests; and the communities are governed by peers. By weaving the social experience into KM, practitioners develop a shared repertoire of resources like experiences, stories, tools and ways of addressing recurring problems. Speakers present ways to integrate social approaches into your KM program and discuss the benefits of using internal social media, tools, and tactics and when to use them, as well as how to ensure social strategies are tracked and adopted. It’s time to maximize your internal social media tools to stimulate engagement and heighten social learning, so get best practices and tips to make sure you are the #GOAT (look it up or come to our session!).


, Knowledge Management Program Manager, TechnipFMC

, KM Specialist, TechnipFMC


C103. Grassroots KM Skills Retention

01:45 PM2019-11-052019-11-05

Tuesday, November 5: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Our speakers discuss what they're doing in KM, specifically benchmarking and retaining personnel skills, at the grassroots level from the bottom up using readily available enterprise tools like Sharepoint and Excel. It includes capturing knowledge, targeted surveys, focus on critical skills, and leveraging the data for mentoring programs and other initiatives. The data collected is done at the department level, with overall support at the center level (8 departments). Using sophisticated Excel templates, they use this survey data for multiple applications including technical mentorships, leadership mentoring, critical skills evaluations, etc. all at a cost based only on hours spent by existing managers (no extra cost).  Hear more and learn what might work in your organization.


, Assistant Department Manager, Electrical Test Ops, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems

, Senior Principal Industrial Engineer, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems


C104. Crafting Culture With Communities & Engagement

02:45 PM2019-11-052019-11-05

Tuesday, November 5: 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Everyone wants engagement, but few know how to define it, which makes it challenging to pursue, measure, prompt, and reward. We know engagement is critical to learning, collaboration, value, and business outcomes, but what does quality engagement look like, and how do you crack the engagement code? Happe discusses the findings from The Community Roundtable's State of Community Management research, which shows how engagement empowers individuals, impacts workflows, and generates strategic impact and ROI; frameworks and methodologies to more concretely define and measure a range of engagement behaviors; leadership practices that leverage engagement strategies to transform organizational culture; and best practices to scale your efforts once you crack your own engagement code. Brackman reviews what KM champions are, why you need them, how to capture and develop them, their role in KM efforts, and methods for continued mentorship used to retain KM champions. She includes lot of tips for those in the government sector.


, Co-Founder and Principal, The Community Roundtable

, Associate Manager, Knowledge & Training, Accenture Federal Services


C105. Ready for KM? Industry Insights

04:15 PM2019-11-052019-11-05

Tuesday, November 5: 4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

As a leading global medical technology company, GE Healthcare provides a broad portfolio of products, solutions and services used in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients. With an install base of over 4 million imaging systems and a history of innovation that reaches back more than a century, GE Healthcare is making a difference in the moments that matter most for patients. With 3 patients imaged every second on GE Healthcare systems, they improve outcomes for healthcare providers around the world with increased capacity, improved productivity and better patient outcomes. GE Healthcare’s Cares Call Center services 400,000+ calls annually in a highly

regulated environment, initiating maintenance and repair requests for equipment tightly monitored by the FDA. With timeliness as an important factor along with customer service, they implemented an information and document management system to improve the flow of knowledge. Hear about their successful journey. Storm discusses augmenting human workers with AI, the biggest opportunity since the industrial revolution! He shares how can AI help harness the power in our undocumented knowledge across the enterprise, what the most effective and seamless way is to connect our internal experts and SME’s, and illustrates how geographic and divisional silos can be cross-permeated with the use of AI and ML.


, Senior Manager, GE Healthcare

, CSC Process Specialist, GE Healthcare

, Chief Solution Architect, KMS Lighthouse

, Vice President, Americas, Starmind Inc., Starmind, Inc.

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