KMWorld 2017 Conference Program

Join us as we explore and share how successful knowledge management can transform any organization. Our KMWorld program includes 4 days of programming, with pre-conference workshops, keynote sessions, and 9 conference tracks. Please take the opportunity to explore tracks on: KM Strategies & Practices: People, Digital Workspace of the Future, Social Collaboration, KM Strategies & Practices: Processes, KM Tools & Techniques, Learning, Change, & Culture, KM Strategies & Practices: Value & Management, Innovation, Future-Proofing & Cognitive Tech, and Content, Knowledge & Learning from Failure.

To view the entire program schedule by time and day, see our Schedule page.


Track C: Social Collaboration

Donna Scheeder, Consultant, Library Strategies International

C101. Stories & Storms

Tuesday, November 7: 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

This mini-workshop begins with our popular storyteller, Snowden, who shares tips and techniques for getting the most out of narrative stories as well as real-world examples where stories have made a significant impact on their communities. This is followed by two more examples. Lolland-Faster (100.000 inhabitants) are two islands in the southern part of Denmark suffering for decades under an unmerited bad image. The media is always inclined to cover the region very negatively, which has generated a collective frustration and low self-esteem. Sydendal highlights an initiative that began gathering all the inhabitants and friends (now 24,000-plus) of the area in a Facebook group. The initiative asked them to collect and share positive stories about themselves and the region. They created a Love Storm archive/library with positive personal stories/photos, etc., to remind journalists and residents of the fantastic resources the islands have, which has led to a new strong sense of pride and love in the region and thousands of posts, comments, and Likes. In 2016, Save the Children embarked on a new global strategy, Ambition for Children 2030. One of the key areas of focus for this strategy is maximizing the use of organizational knowledge to improve program quality and staff efficiency. Hear how a team of two connected 25,000 employees of a global NGO with Workplace by Facebook


, Knowledge Management Specialist, Lolland-Falster

, Global Digital Strategy Manager, Save the Children International

, Global Knowledge Platform Manager, Save the Children

, Founder & Chief Scientist, The Cynefin Company


C102. Storms & Stories

Tuesday, November 7: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

This is a continuation of session C201.


C103. Knowledge (in) Jeopardy

Tuesday, November 7: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Come play KMJeopardy! Have fun and get practical insights based on case studies and anecdotes that address the 12 most common hacks in KM. You choose your most urgent challenges from the game board (in three categories: people, process, technology). Real-life examples from the speaker’s 15 years experience in KM, as well as from the conference and attendees, then inspire you to hack your chosen challenge. Walk away with actionable learnings (yes—and prizes).



, Knowledge Strategist, Island Impact


C104. Collaborative Tools & Solutions

Tuesday, November 7: 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Our first speaker is responsible for the overall KM strategy, planning, and implementation as well as influencing and leading change in the organization by optimizing the integration and functioning of the organization’s components (personnel, technology, network, facilities, and processes). He discusses the tools and solutions used in the Executive Engagement Application, an initiative developed to synchronize the engagements of seven general officers who travel to 38 countries in the Asia-Pacific region with interactions with U.S. elected officials, think tanks organizations, academia, and supporters. In addition, the application captures and creates a repository so it is an effective collaboration tool which also archives the products prepared to facilitate the engagement. Cannon, who sits on the DOD/Joint KM Working Group, discusses how KM is performed in a combined/joint environment. He shares tips and techniques for making KM work successfully.


, Chief Knowledge Operations, Knowledge Managment Office, U.S. Forces Korea and Cannon Enterprises L.L.C.

, Chief Knowledge Management, U.S. Army Pacific Command


C105. Supporting Grassroots Communities of Learning

Tuesday, November 7: 4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Any global or geographically distributed organization has many collaboration-related KM challenges including not reinventing the wheel, delivering knowledge to the right people at the right time, delivering results faster, delivering quality products or services, reusing recommended practices, not repeating mistakes, keeping employees informed, and minimizing change impact. A collaborative organization is in a better position to address these challenges. And to improve collaboration, the organization needs to address gaps by improving internal networking, building trust, addressing what’s in it for me, building creative mass, and engaging employees. The first presentation describes how NPS’s Common Learning Portal allows members of the NPS workforce to find formal training, informal learning resources, and Communities of Learning (CoL) all on one website. Due to the decentralized culture, CoL on the site are grass roots in nature—any logged-in user may create one. The grassroots approach is empowering and maximizes flexibility, but also creates logistical challenges. Hear how the portal team helps each community facilitator to clearly define the group’s purpose and a technical strategy for achieving the purpose, ranging from an online community to supplement a formal training to a collaborative work group facilitating organizational culture change. Get tips on implementation, the most common user stories which organically emerged for NPS CoL, specific strategies which NPS has employed to support communities, and how you can identify strategies to support your organization’s CoL. Chandel discusses how Red Hat, an open source software leader, is developed by global communities and people who collaborate to develop Red Hat software at no cost. He shares how Red Hat Services’ KM program uses open source strategy to make the KM initiatives successful, build trust among employees, develop collaborative culture, and deliver quality results. He also talks about collaboration challenges and how Red Hat addressed them to create a global collaborative organization.


, Global KM Lead, Red Hat

, Partner & Division Director, Technology Solutions, Enterprise Knowledge

, Acting Communities of Learning Manager, National Park Service (NPS)

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