Tom Reamy

Chief Knowledge Architect & Founder
KAPS Group
Author, Deep Text

Picture of Tom ReamyTom Reamy is currently the Chief Knowledge Architect and founder of KAPS Group, a group of knowledge architecture, taxonomy, and text analytics consultants. Tom has 20 years of experience in information architecture, enterprise search, intranet management and consulting, education software, and text analytics consulting. Tom’s academic background includes a Master’s in the History of Ideas, research in artificial intelligence and cognitive science, and a strong background in philosophy, particularly epistemology. He has published articles in various journals and is a frequent speaker at text analytics and information and knowledge management conferences. When not writing or developing text analytics projects, he can usually be found at the bottom of the ocean in Carmel taking photos of strange creatures.

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KMWorld & Intranets 2008

KMWorld & Intranets 2007

KMWorld & Intranets 2006

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