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ScreenSteps - Faster onboarding, confident & independent employees, and less stress.

When teams rely on tribal knowledge and messy documentation, training and operations feel chaotic. Mistakes are made, employees lose confidence, and managers burn out.

We believe every employee should be empowered to feel and act like an expert, no matter their experience.

The problem is that real operational improvements don't come from better documentation or better technology. Real improvements come from changing a company’s culture around how knowledge is used and shared within the organization.

ScreenSteps is a knowledge ops solution that helps companies overcome training and performance challenges by solving their root problem—the inability to transfer knowledge efficiently to their employees.

The knowledge ops solution tackles your knowledge transfer problem by providing you with:

1. Knowledge Ops Platform: A centralized knowledge hub for planning, creating, managing, delivering, and measuring digital guides and training courses.

2. Find & Follow Framework: A proven methodology for transferring knowledge faster to improve training & operations.

3. Knowledge Coaching: One-on-one coaching services to ensure the successful launch of your knowledge solution.

The results: Faster onboarding, confident & independent employees, and less stress.

Want to learn more? Schedule a demo with the ScreenSteps team to learn how you can improve training & operations with a better way to transfer knowledge.

Or, check out our book, Find & Follow: Reduce Supervisor Burnout & Improve Employee Performance by Transferring Knowledge Faster.

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