KMWorld Workshop 21 – Data Visualization

Attendee Instructions & Downloads Required Before Attending

Workshop attendees are required to bring either PC or Mac laptop as they will be performing hand-on exercises with three different data visualization tools that must be downloaded from the Internet before the workshop day. (Laptops will NOT be provided by the conference.) 

Download and install the following programs (all FREE!) prior to attending the workshop:

1. FreeMind

2. VUE (Visual Understanding Environment) from Tufts University

3. TheBrain (free version)

If you do not have a PC or Mac laptop to bring to the workshop, you can bring an iPad or Android tablet to class. However, the first two programs above (FreeMind and VUE) do not run on iOS or Android devices. The good news here is that there is another program, SimpleMind, which runs on PCs, Macs, iOS devices, and Android devices. SimpleMind functions very similarly to FreeMind. Next, while TheBrain DOES run on iOS and Android devices, it functions in a very different and much more limited manner than its PC and Mac counterparts.

Bottom line: if you have a PC or Mac laptop, we strongly encourage you to use that for the workshop rather than an iPad or Android tablet. Some accommodation to those who come to the workshop with a tablet and not a laptop will be made. 

Bonus: if you are motivated and want to get a head start on the workshop, there are many training videos to be found on the Internet regarding both FreeMind and TheBrain.

For FreeMind, simply search for it in either YouTube or Google. Here is a link to a video on how to use SimpleMind on and Android tablet [should work in a very similar manner on an iPad]: 

For TheBrain, please visit: 

There are even tutorials for iOS and Android versions of TheBrain found here: and here: 
[In both cases, please scroll down to the bottom of the page.]

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